Example programs that test and illustrate how to use the VSG and optional add-on libraries
- 2
vsgDynamicWindows broken on Windows
#333 opened by AnyOldName3 - 3
vsgmultigpu fails compilation
#322 opened by dov - 2
- 0
vsganimation does not build on macOS
#331 opened by rainergericke - 0
Failure to draw 2M triangles on several GPUs
#325 opened by theodoregoetz - 2
vsgvolume pops error message
#319 opened by Veloctor - 2
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Examples abort on shutdown when run in Debug
#315 opened by lufriem - 3
problem with overlay views using multiple render graphs in the same window
#310 opened by theodoregoetz - 3
- 1
How to display a point on the earth map?
#294 opened by kahlenberg - 3
Request for a hello-world example
#293 opened by dov - 2
#287 opened by lufriem - 8
vsgexecutecommands crashes on windows
#285 opened by sbrkopac - 2
vsgscreenshot can produce strange output
#282 opened by rainergericke - 2
No CMakeLists.txt file for vsgoffscreenshot
#281 opened by rainergericke - 4
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Cannot render glb files with vsgviewer
#226 opened by Joaopmoliveira - 16
vsgshadow without shadows on MacOS
#270 opened by rainergericke - 2
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Checked-in code inconsistent with .clang-format
#268 opened by AnyOldName3 - 5
vertex and fragment source for vert_PushConstants.spv and frag_PushConstants.spv
#266 opened by VasanthBalguri - 2
Wayland support
#236 opened by michaelfranzl - 4
Compiling issues for vsgvolume example
#257 opened by VasanthBalguri - 5
vsgviewer render readymap.vsgt?
#232 opened by albert8271 - 2
- 1
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how to render models with tileData?
#227 opened by albert8271 - 4
build errors against VulkSceneGraph master
#210 opened by sbrkopac - 4
Image Displaying in ImGui
#205 opened by hobbeshunter - 24
vsgmultiviews is not ok
#196 opened by bizehao - 1
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Android Example issues
#190 opened by geefr - 6
data/ is not installed
#187 opened by fcami - 14
vsgtexturearray crashes on MacOS 12.5
#165 opened by rainergericke - 1
Building with mingw warns 'examples/io/vsgcluster/Broadcaster.h:32: warning: "NOMINMAX" redefined'
#170 opened by rhabacker - 1
Building vsgexample with mingw fails with error: 'void CustomLogger::debug_implementation(std::string_view)' marked 'override', but does not override
#171 opened by rhabacker - 29
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run vsgrendertotexture and vsgheadless crash
#154 opened by simwangrui - 7
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vsgstatecomposer crashes on MacOS and Windows10
#146 opened by rainergericke - 5
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vsgskybox refuses to load models/skybox.vsgb
#140 opened by rainergericke - 3
MinGW 32 compile error
#126 opened by rhabacker - 16
Some shader files are missing
#123 opened by benne3333 - 3
vsgviewer cannot be built on MacOS
#116 opened by rainergericke - 1
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The computeMatrix function hasn't been merged into the master branch of VulkanSceneGraph yet.
#117 opened by 21doublenexus