
Service Description for

egonw opened this issue · 3 comments

egonw commented

YummyData expects a Service Description when requesting Turtle or RDF/XML from which would look like:

@prefix rdf:    <> .
@prefix ns1: <> .
@prefix sd: <> .

ns1:sparql rdf:type sd:Service ; 
  sd:endpoint ns1:sparql ;
  sd:supportedLanguage sd:SPARQL11Query ;
  sd:url ns1:sparql .
egonw commented

@nunogit, would that be hard? It sounds like a simple rewrite, not? We would have that file as static content as sd.ttl somewhere, and when a Accept: text/turtle (or something like that) is requested from, then it would just return that content.

(Not urgent at all.)

It's included in the current release. I don't know exactly what yummydata looks for, but the info is there. I changed the prefix ns1 to 'wiki'

SELECT ?o ?p ?q ?r
wiki:sparql rdf:type ?o;
sd:endpoint ?p;
sd:supportedLanguage ?q;
sd:url ?r.

The CURL doesn't return anything still though. Have to see how to implement that. I tried allowing it with Virtuoso configurations, packages, sponger, and plain editing the graph IRI, but no result. Documentation is lacking or very old. I don't know how to edit the service description.