Intersection of CMap and PFOCR extracted chemicals
AlexanderPico opened this issue · 6 comments
AlexanderPico commented
In our shared NIA folder, this file has >6000 drugs annotated for repurposing: CMap_Repurposing_Hub.xlsx
Can you add a column to this table (or create a separate mapping table) based on the intersection of names?
There are no mappings from MeSH to BRD ID, unfortunately, so let's just see what we can get from a simple name match for now. I acknowledge that this will miss a lot of things.
AlexanderPico commented
Here's a second list of drug names to attempt a quick intersection with:
ariutta commented
ariutta commented
AlexanderPico commented
PFOCR overlaps:
- 1267 of 6798 CMap
- 1025 of 6912 Anke's library
ariutta commented
ariutta commented
pfocr_id's for CMap: 13,575
pfocr_id's for Anke: 10,045