This software tool implements the OPERA (omics pleiotropic association) method to test for combinatorial pleiotropic associations of molecular phenotypes (e.g., expression level of a gene and DNA methylation level at CpG sites) with a complex trait of interest using summary-level data from GWAS and molecular QTL studies. OPERA is a Bayesian generalization of the SMR & HEIDI approach8 to a multi-omics model, where the molecular phenotypes are considered as exposures and only the complex trait is considered as the outcome. This tool can therefore be used to prioritize molecular phenotypes that mediate the genetic effects for complex trait and provide mechanistic interpretation of the GWAS signal.
- 1667857557Shanxi Medical University
- amazingshi
- asenabouthGarvan Institute of Medical Research
- chenll9701
- Crazzy-RabbitWCH of Sichuan University
- daizaoNantong University
- Ganson2018
- girmab
- gourdhero
- HackerLZH
- HaniceSunStanford University
- jeffreypullinSt Vincent's Institute of Medical Research
- LeonSong1995Westlake University
- LiuYunjiaUS
- lyz2021twi
- masadler
- nvice111
- nvriveraKarolinska Institutet
- shijxovo
- showers14
- sjbxzpf
- sudhanshu1610Purdue University
- tingqi
- TingQi2020
- wdruirui
- yf8578University of Chinese Academy of Sciences
- Yoohann
- youngorchuangUniversity of Alabama at Birmingham
- zdangm
- zerland