
TypeError: No matching definition for argument type(s) array(uint8, 3d, C), array(int32, 2d, C)

Avril-Dragon opened this issue · 6 comments

I don't know what happened. There is no such problem on the Internet. Can someone help me?

Me too. Do you have a solution?

I don't know what happened. There is no such problem on the Internet. Can someone help me?

Me too. Do you have a solution?

Me too, i get the same error

modify the @nb.jit('u1:,:,:', nopython=True, cache=True, parallel=False) in the 379 lines in the to
@nb.jit('u1:,:,:', nopython=True, cache=True, parallel=False)

Did anyone find the solution to this problem? @Avril-Dragon @skyshoumeng @sheng-yun421 @brahami14

I'm facing the same issue with flattening the 3D to 2D int ndarray. Kindly share details if anyone solved this issue.

I faced exactly the same error with another repository which was based on this one. If you have this issue in the call of nb_process_label you should check that types of arguments correspond to (u1[:,:,:],i8[:,:]). For me setting np.int64 type for grid_ind = (np.floor((np.clip(xyz_pol,min_bound,max_bound)-min_bound)/intervals)).astype(np.int64) helped.