
How to see the demo effect?

Opened this issue · 1 comments

I have finished the , and try to run the with the following command:

adminpc@adminpc-B760-DS3H:/media/adminpc/828F225A817AD4FA/Cylinder3D$ python --demo-folder ./dataset/sequences/00/velodyne/ --save-folder ./model_save_dir

[480 360 32]
save ./model_save_dir/000000.label
save ./model_save_dir/000001.label
save ./model_save_dir/000002.label
save ./model_save_dir/000003.label
save ./model_save_dir/004540.label

There is a pt file in the folder of ./model_save_dir

(com88) adminpc@adminpc-B760-DS3H:/media/adminpc/828F225A817AD4FA/Cylinder3D/model_save_dir$ ls *.pt

Now the *.label have been saved in the ./model_save_dir, how to see the demo effect?

Vicky Li

After the labels are saved, the percentage comes. Only the bus : 0.24%, others are 0%.
I run epoch=10 for a test, is it expected?
Should I run epoch up to 30-40?
save ./model_save_dir/004539.label
save ./model_save_dir/004540.label
Validation per class iou:
car : 0.00%
bicycle : 0.00%
motorcycle : 0.00%
truck : 0.00%
bus : 0.24%
person : 0.00%
bicyclist : 0.00%
motorcyclist : 0.00%
road : 0.00%
parking : 0.00%
sidewalk : 0.00%
other-ground : 0.00%
building : 0.00%
fence : 0.00%
vegetation : 0.00%
trunk : 0.00%
terrain : 0.00%
pole : 0.00%
traffic-sign : 0.00%
Current val miou is 0.013
Current val loss is 3.951

Vicky Li