
melodic release for apt install in Ubuntu 18

hanzheteng opened this issue · 2 comments


I am wondering if there is a melodic release for kobuki_description package in Ubuntu 18, such that I can install it by sudo apt install ros-melodic-kobuki-description. I see the meta-package ros-melodic-kobuki is still only available in Ubuntu 16 and ROS Kinetic right now.

Our customized Turtlebot2 robot is built on top of kobuki base. If kobuki_description is available, we can then use wstool and rosinstall to automate the installation, otherwise it is a bit cumbersome for our users to build everything from source.

I've run into this issue as well. However, it's possible to just clone the repo, do a rosdep install --from-paths src --ignore-src -r -y command at the root of your workspace to install any needed dependencies, and run catkin_make. You won't be able to run the kobuki_capabilities package though as it has a run dependency that doesn't exist (as far as I know) in Melodic.

I'd also recemmend taking a look at Issue #422.

Thanks for the info. Just FYI, the script we use to install the customized Turtlebot2 in Ubuntu 18 can be found here.