
data set file

badstones opened this issue · 3 comments

Hi Zhao Yong, could you specify the dataset file, if I want to test slam system by using gslam. Thank you.

Here is a content of file "stereo.kitti"

// This file is in Svar language : see more detail at https://github.com/zdzhaoyong/GSLAM
Camera.Paraments =[1241,376,718.856,718.856,607.1928,185.2157]

// Camera2 Camera0 Camera3 Camera1 : four camera from left to right, Camera0 and Camera1 in gray, Camera2 and Camera3 in color
Camera0.Translation = 0 0 0
Camera1.Translation = 0.5371657188644179 0 0
Camera2.Translation = -0.06313121125788754 0.0001573175990740844 -3.779761000000e-03
Camera3.Translation = 0.4692006465829039 -0.0032955932759829508 -4.915215000000e-03

SequenceFolder=$(Svar.ParsingPath) // path of kitti sequence such as KITTI/odomentry/gray/00
VideoType=Stereo    // Monocular,Stereo, MultiCamera
CameraIdx=0         // Stereo default use Camera0 and Camera1
VideoSkip=0         // Play Every Frame

it can be played with gslam Dataset=stereo.kitti

Thanks for your notification, but I have tried every dataset file in the folder of 'doc' and I confirm the path is correct, there is always an error that 'failed to open dataset xxx(dataset file name)', how could I fixed it? Thank you.

Now you can play datasets with or without the configuration file, please update your GSLAM Version, follow the readme and try again.