
:whale: A python package with container support for Toil pipelines.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Toil Container

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A python package with container support for Toil pipelines.

Check the example! This package was built to support the cookiecutter-toil repository.


  • 📦   Easy Installation

      pip install toil_container
  • 🐳   Container System Calls

    docker_call and singularity_call are functions that run containerized commands with the same calling signature. Be default the exit code is returned, however you can get the stdout with check_output=True. You can also set the env, cwd, volumes and working_dir for the container call. working_dir is used as the /tmp directory inside the container.

    from toil_container import docker_call
    from toil_container import singularity_call
    cmd = ["cowsay", "hello world"]
    status = docker_call("docker/whalesay", cmd)
    output = docker_call("docker/whalesay", cmd, check_output=True)
    status = singularity_call("docker://docker/whalesay", cmd)
    output = singularity_call("docker://docker/whalesay", cmd, check_output=True)
  • 🛳   Container Job Class

    ContainerJob is a Toil Job Class with a call method that executes commands with either Docker, Singularity or Subprocess depending on image availability. Check out this simple whalesay example! The Job must be constructed with an options argument of the type argparse.Namespace that may have the following attributes:

    attribute action description
    options.docker use docker name or path to image
    options.singularity use singularity name or path to image
    options.workDir set as container /tmp path to work directory
    options.volumes volumes to be mounted list of src, dst tuples
  • 📘   Container Parser With Short Toil Options

    ContainerArgumentParser adds the --docker, --singularity and --volumes arguments to the options namespace. This parser only prints the required toil arguments when using --help. However, the full list of toil rocketry is printed with --help-toil. If you don't need the container options but want to use --help-toil use ToilShortArgumentParser.

     whalesay.py --help
         usage: whalesay [-h] [-v] [--help-toil] [TOIL OPTIONAL ARGS] jobStore
          optional arguments:
          -h, --help            show this help message and exit
          --help-toil           print help with full list of Toil arguments and exit
          container arguments:
          --docker              name/path of the docker image available in daemon
          --singularity         name/path of the singularity image available in deamon
          --volumes             tuples of (local path, absolute container path)
          toil arguments:
          TOIL OPTIONAL ARGS    see --help-toil for a full list of toil parameters
          jobStore              the location of the job store for the workflow [REQUIRED]


whalesay.py is an example that runs a toil pipeline with the famous whalesay docker container. The pipeline can now be executed with either docker, singularity or subprocess.

# whalesay.py
from toil_container import ContainerJob
from toil_container import ContainerArgumentParser

class WhaleSayJob(ContainerJob):

    def run(self, fileStore):
        """Run `cowsay` with Docker, Singularity or Subprocess."""
        msg = self.call(["cowsay", self.options.msg], check_output=True)

def main():
    parser = ContainerArgumentParser()
    parser.add_argument("-m", "--msg", default="Hello from the ocean!")
    options = parser.parse_args()
    job = WhaleSayJob(options=options)
    ContainerJob.Runner.startToil(job, options)

if __name__ == "__main__":

Then run:

# run with docker
whalesay.py jobstore -m 'hello world' --docker docker/whalesay

# run with singularity
whalesay.py jobstore -m 'hello world' --singularity docker://docker/whalesay

# if cowsay is available in the environment
whalesay.py jobstore -m 'hello world'

If you want to convert a docker image into a singularity image instead of using the docker:// prefix, check docker2singularity, and use -m '/shared-fs-path /shared-fs-path' to make sure your shared file system is mounted inside the singularity image.


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