
RBDL version is not set from Buildrbdl.cmake

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RBDL is held in mercurial (hg) and I tried to set a specific version using the Builrbdl.cmake :

# rbdl 

ycm_ep_helper(  rbdl
                TYPE HG
                STYLE BITBUCKET
                REPOSITORY rbdl/rbdl
                TAG 338e4db
                COMPONENT external

Nevertheless the superbuild is not taking the requested TAG as reported by @dkanou.

Any idea? @alaurenzi @traversaro

Have you tried with the complete commit hash or with a tag?

In I successfully use ycm_ep_helper with mercurial, but I always use branches names as TAG argument.

Here you can find the error:

Looks like the TAG is not working for hash: I confirm we used it successfully with branches

Have you tried using 338e4dbb4fa2644af1598db9a4c95cd39b6b981a instead of 338e4db?

No it does not work with tag or with the whole hash: it is always cloning to 379184776089 (v2.5) on the default branch

I was not able to solve it unfortunately: maybe @drdanz knows how?

No idea, perhaps it is a bug in ExternalProject?
YCMEPHelper is forwarding the tag argument in the exact same way as the git tag is forwarded:

Thanks for the support: since it was very strange that the clone was always happening on 379184776089 I thought there would be some other files overwriting the requested TAG.

And it was like this: ProjectTags.cmake was overwriting (we had the 379184776089 commit on it for rbdl) everything I put on Buildrbdl.cmake

Fixed in cc8c143