raw count matrix (tumor vs normal)
mbihie opened this issue · 1 comments
I am trying to apply your tool, SCEVAN, to an integrated seurat object. I am trying to compare two types of tumors, and both are found in this seurat object (SeuratObject_TNBC.rds). I would need to use another seurat object to obtain the normal cells matrix as reference (SeuratObject_NormEpi.rds). I am not sure on how I can combine the two together for SCEVAN.
In the code below, I filtered the TNBC.rds object to two samples to compare different tumor types. I wanted to know how I could compare the two matrices. Would I add the normal counts matrix to both? Would I include all 3 in a list of matrices?
Here is the paper that explains the data in more detail (x).
Any help would be appreciated,
#install_github("miccec/yaGST") #required for scevan
#read in the object
tnbc.epi <- readRDS("/home/mahad/data/SeuratObject_TNBC.rds") #tumor obj
tnorm <- readRDS("/home/mahad/data/SeuratObject_NormTotal.rds") # all norm obj
epi <- readRDS("/home/mahad/data/SeuratObject_NormEpi.rds") # norm epi obj
#updating the object if it won't open
tnbc.epi = UpdateSeuratObject(object = tnbc.epi)
#rename clusters
tnbc.epi <- RenameIdents(tnbc.epi,
'0' = "epithelial",
'2' = "epithelial-cycling")
#subset to only epithelial cells
tnbc.epi <- subset(x = tnbc.epi, idents = c("epithelial", "epithelial-cycling"))
#rename clusters
tnorm <- RenameIdents(tnorm,
'5' = "epithelial")
#subset to only epithelial cells
tnorm <- subset(x = tnorm, idents = "epithelial")
#save object
#saveRDS(object = tnbc.epi, "~/BRCA/BRCA-data/tnbc.epi.rds")
#extract count matrix
#subset the data to a specific sample (B1)
tnbc.epi.B1.0554 <- subset(tnbc.epi, subset = group == "TN_B1_0554")
#subset the data to a specific sample (TN)
tnbc.epi.TN.0126 <- subset(tnbc.epi, subset = group == "TN_0126")
#subset the data to a specific sample (epi-normal)
epi.1105 <- subset(epi, subset = group == "N_1105_epi")
#generate matrix
B1.MTX <- as.matrix(tnbc.epi.B1.0554@assays[["RNA"]]@data)
TN.MTX <- as.matrix(tnbc.epi.TN.0126@assays[["RNA"]]@data)
EP.MTX <- as.matrix(epi.1105@assays[["RNA"]]@data)
#add the normal cells to tumors cells as a matrix
TN.MTX <- bind_rows(as.data.frame(TN.MTX), as.data.frame(EP.MTX))
B1.MTX <- bind_rows(as.data.frame(B1.MTX), as.data.frame(EP.MTX))
#remove NAs
B1.MTX[is.na(B1.MTX)] = 0
TN.MTX[is.na(TN.MTX)] = 0
EP.MTX[is.na(TN.MTX)] = 0
#join B1 and TN matrices
listCountMtx <- list(b1 = B1.MTX, tn = TN.MTX)
#run pipeline on multiple samples
results <- SCEVAN::multiSampleComparisonClonalCN(
listCountMtx,#cnt mtx with gns on rows (Gn Symbl or nsmbl ID) & cells on columns.
analysisName = "all", #analysisName : Name of the analysis (optional)
organism = "human" ,
#sample =
par_cores = 5 #par_cores : Number of cores (default 20)
Yes the code setup seems correct to me to compare two samples, if you reinstall SCEVAN I added the parameter listNormCells in the last commit 2855052. Where you can pass normal cells as a list to be used as references added to the matrix:
listNormCells <- list(colnames(EP.MTX), colnames(EP.MTX))
results <- SCEVAN::multiSampleComparisonClonalCN(
analysisName = "all",
organism = "human" ,
#sample =
par_cores = 5
Let me know if it works. Regards