R Data: Single cell RNA sequencing of human liver reveals distinct intrahepatic macrophage populations
- 13952196139
- 905SGA
- aheilbutNew York, NY
- antassServier Pharmaceuticals
- blacklixian135
- chenyang1999Tsinghua University
- cpusummer-wdn
- EomesoderminInstitute for Experimental Oncology, University Clinic Bonn
- evihoMunich, Germany
- gokceneraslanGenentech
- hvgogogo
- JacobKMcPherson
- JamRob78
- jingmishensi
- Lisa-Jammy
- michaelchenglyUniversity of Toronto
- nico-chungOchre Bio
- qindan2008
- rahulbhadaniThe University of Alabama in Huntsville
- sannpeterson
- shaofeng2020
- star9926zhejiang university
- tsjzz
- wowode2023
- xndlessInstitute of Model Animals of Wuhan University, Wuhan, China.
- xxz19900Peking University
- zhiyhuWuhan University