- 2
#195 opened by mortonjt - 8
- 2
- 3
Simulating 16S metabarcoding reads?
#196 opened by marieleoz - 0
- 1
Guidance on Simulating Metatranscriptomes for CAMI 2 Challenge Short-Read Metagenomes
#194 opened by ohickl - 1
Changing read lengths from the default 150bp
#193 opened by cberta11 - 5
Could not find in the repo.
#184 opened by ravinpoudel - 3
camisim encountered an error when specifying the --hmm_model parameter in pbsim2
#183 opened by zwh82 - 4
- 3 raising "ERROR: [MetagenomeSimulationPipeline] 'gb|*********.1|:1-****' in line 117" Error
#192 opened by cberta11 - 3
NoneType path error when trying to run from default_config.ini
#191 opened by cberta11 - 11
- 4
- 11
- 1
- 1
Controlling the rate of error
#187 opened by mahmudhera - 0
Handling coverage
#190 opened by CorvusVaine - 4
Generation from different genome for same specie
#186 opened by CorvusVaine - 4
Changing temp_directory in config file
#173 opened by CassandraHjo - 1
the data type of CAMISIM long read dataset
#188 opened by zwh82 - 3
ERROR: [MetagenomeSimulationPipeline] 'utf-8' codec can't decode byte 0x8b in position 1: invalid start byte in line 49?
#180 opened by fanqiedantang - 2
- 1
- 1
should i download all the reference genomes of the species involved in the BIOM file?
#171 opened by fanqiedantang - 1
- 1
some error when i try the command ---- "python -p defaults/mini.biom "
#172 opened by fanqiedantang - 1
Meaning of community parameters in config file
#176 opened by CassandraHjo - 3
Input genomes
#174 opened by CassandraHjo - 8
Errors when running from_profile default
#178 opened by CassandraHjo - 12
- 8
Some problems occur when I run “python defaults/mini_config.ini”
#162 opened by fanqiedantang - 1
Error running simulation using custom genomes
#169 opened by CassandraHjo - 7
Question, is there any existing repository.
#167 opened by shanoudi - 2
metagenome simulation
#168 opened by lcamelo10 - 2
Problem trying to run with docker. Is python3 update completed?
#149 opened by MateDuda - 1
A problem in testing one commond in the wiki
#161 opened by fanqiedantang - 4
- 4
2023-10-10 23:40:29 ERROR: [MetagenomeSimulationPipeline] 'Salmonella_enterica_Typhimurium_1898' in line 83
#166 opened by icbarron - 5
- 10
"ncbi_taxdump=tools/ncbi-taxonomy_20170222.tar.gz" Unsupported newer version.
#160 opened by NickShanyt - 1
Error free illumina reads
#158 opened by Paupiera - 2
Create Python package and conda recipe?
#159 opened by vinisalazar - 1
Unable to download Mouse Toy dataset
#157 opened by richardlett - 2
ERROR: [MetagenomeSimulationPipeline] could not convert string to float: 'abundance' in line 80
#155 opened by prototaxites - 2
Data availability for CAMISIM Figure 3
#156 opened by paulinetrinh - 4
"Population must be a sequence. For dicts or sets, use sorted(d). in line 83" [Python 3.11 compatibility?]
#154 opened by prototaxites - 4
Question about {out}/anonymous_gsa_pooled.fasta file and its corresponding bam file
#153 opened by Steven-GUHK - 2
- 1
[MetagenomeSimulationPipeline] Required file not found! Was design of communities not completed?
#151 opened by Louis-MG