High performance in-memory/distributed messaging pipeline for .NET and Unity.
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SubscribeAsync inside BackgroundService.ExecuteAsync fails to reach handler Action<TMessage>
#128 opened by chrisbewz - 1
Does a client only connect to one server?
#121 opened by qinglok - 3
It's not really an issue, I was looking for help so I decided to ask here
#102 opened by olehmekhedok - 1
Subscription is called multiple times if you resubscribe at the same frame in async task
#134 opened by nicloay - 2
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#120 AutoRegister Issues
#127 opened by amenonegames - 0
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[Bug] Message auto call 4 times when subscribe
#130 opened by hoanghai1308 - 2
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Documentation: How are failure scenarios handled for distributed publishers/subscribers?
#113 opened by zejji - 1
R3 vs MessagePipe use case
#125 opened by man-chi - 2
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Two-way UDP IPC
#115 opened by slimshader - 1
Open generic support for VContainer
#119 opened by notargs - 1
IDistributed/IAsyncSybscriber for TCP/UDP on Unity
#114 opened by slimshader - 2
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Question: empty keyed Message
#111 opened by Sme1d - 3
Add net7.0 support
#98 opened by loligans - 0
Documentation: Would it be possible to have more examples (concrete) about Async Publishers/Subscribers and Filters?
#116 opened by marcolbx - 1
`BuiltinContainerBuilder` not found
#118 opened by CurlyBraceTT - 5
Publish Debug Symbols
#92 opened by loligans - 6
IRemoteRequestHandler.InvokeAsync() never returns when using AddMessagePipeNamedPipeInterprocess
#99 opened by jcoliz - 2
Task.Run async publish
#94 opened by Torinth - 6
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MessagePipe.IServiceCollection prevents using Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.IServiceCollection
#68 opened by amelkor - 1
Bi-directional interprocess
#95 opened by Torinth - 1
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Please Add Samples to this project
#110 opened by licentia88 - 2
Question: .NET Framework 4.8
#96 opened by ns6000 - 1
VContainer code generation does not work with MessagePipe on Unity 2021 LTS
#88 opened by alihandroid - 3
Injection is not working on non-monobehaviour classes if they are not IStartable
#91 opened by marcobethkeskyered - 1
Godot support
#87 opened by srikanthdotnetdev - 3
"Receiver Loop" for named pipes is never started in a server process that uses only request handlers
#81 opened by ogiesen - 2
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interprocess multi-sub/pub
#79 opened by wanga7 - 1
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Keyless `IDistributedPub/Sub` ?
#80 opened by ogiesen - 1
Is RequestHandler stateless?
#82 opened by AGeorgy - 1
Using MessagePipe.Redis in Unity
#78 opened by LuisSeabery - 1
Difference from redis pub/sub
#75 opened by feritzcan2 - 2
Multiple Builders vs. Filters
#71 opened by GainDeveloper - 1
[Question] Is it possible to use IMediator instead of IAsyncRequest<TRequest, TResponse> as outlined in Microsoft Docs and MediatR
#74 opened by jeffward01 - 2
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LICENSE file missing
#65 opened by fumobox - 4
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publish event with delay
#58 opened by aminparsa18 - 1
AsObservable() missing in 1.5.1
#59 opened by slimshader - 2
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