PyTorch version of Stable Baselines, reliable implementations of reinforcement learning algorithms.
- andregonz
- anilsarma
- araffin@DLR-RM
- ashishsenguptaLondon
- atstarke
- barambaniDublin, Ireland
- bdai
- BingXinJiang
- cafeTechneAllendale, Michigan, USA
- dexter1691Georgia Tech
- drkostasUniversity of Tennessee, Knoxville
- eda-ricercatoreDesign Automation Renegades
- forrestneochina
- haian2442
- hill-aParis
- JacopoPanUniversity of Toronto, @VectorInstitute
- jhcloos
- justicelee
- JustinHedgeElectron Storm Digital Strategy Firm
- juychenThe Hong Kong Polytechnic University
- lightskwongCrowdinsight Inc.
- ltinphan
- michalwolsNew York
- mohammedgomaa
- ozfSoftware Square, Byte Town, Logicstate, Computronia
- raymond1758Taiwan
- renatomarinho@gitscrum-team
- rk37
- rwill128Atlanta, GA
- Sandy4321
- shanks0739
- SohojoeMicrosoft
- tatsuya-ishihara
- tjevgerres
- TMatsThe University of Tokyo @matsuolab @matsuolab-research
- zebrajackpungke