
Symlink warning

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While controlling gripper using C++, catkin warning appears:
Warning: Cannot symlink from /home/artemii/robotmove_ws/devel/.private/myworkcell_demo/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/robotiq_2f_gripper_control/__init__.py to existing file /home/artemii/robotmove_ws/devel/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/robotiq_2f_gripper_control/__init__.py Warning: Source hash: fc022dd798d6b7e274f2ad0844eaeb0b Warning: Dest hash: 0e8d2401a15010fceb3aab8bb23e71a5
Not sure, if it's related to the package. Thanks

I am not 100 % sure, but I will bet it is a problem with the catkin workspace build.

Try cleaning your workspace by running catkin clean, if you are using catkin tools, or just remove the log build and devel folders of it.

Then, could you try to use both catkin_make and catkin build commands/tools to re-build the workspace, and to see if the warning arises again?