- 0
SNAP gene predictor training fails.
#46 opened by MmasterT - 1
- 11
install failed
#42 opened by yuzhenpeng - 0
Add specific prefix to mikado runs within REAT
#41 opened by swarbred - 2
How to cite REAT in a paper
#40 opened by dadrasarmin - 0
Change the hardcoded chunk values in EVM
#37 opened by gemygk - 3
- 2
- 12
Suggestions for improving prediction workflow documentation on
#35 opened by dadrasarmin - 0
switch to csi index
#32 opened by swarbred - 0
Reat prediction protein alignment improvements
#33 opened by swarbred - 0
- 0
BUG typo affecting exonhints.augustus
#25 opened by swarbred - 8
call-LengthChecker - presence of extra base (stop codon) affects classifcation
#21 opened by swarbred - 5
expose resources for call-OptimiseAugustus
#28 opened by swarbred - 4
- 11
Need more instructions to setup REAT in Conda
#24 opened by sanyalab - 0
gff_to_aug_hints error with empty file
#22 opened by swarbred - 0
Error providing external augustus config
#23 opened by swarbred - 1
- 0
Bug soft / hard masking
#19 opened by swarbred - 0
RM hints set strand to "."
#18 opened by swarbred - 0
- 0
generate summary stats file for reat homology
#15 opened by swarbred - 0