🤖 Python biolab automation library: parsers, report generators, picklist simulators, and more
- barakplasmaQurisAI
- bgriffen@dynomics
- BitterBak
- bnjmnn
- burkesquiresNIAID BCBB
- Chebuu
- DrMicrobit
- e-southBoston University
- ec363
- frbaConcordia University
- gabriellovateJena
- genotechtureManchester
- gregfarUniversity of Michigan
- gsharon-syn
- hainesm6Imperial College London
- HarryMWintersNorthern California
- hgbrian
- IsaacLuo
- J-E-J-SUniversity of Manchester
- JamesBagley@ConcordiaGenomeFoundry
- jwelch1123New York
- kwoltjen
- manugimenezEryx.co
- marcosfelt@Merck
- marks-res
- MB571
- nlarusstoneUnited States
- ojnInternational Genetic Technologies, Inc.
- racalzadillaPuerto Rico Department of Health
- richstonerBay Area, CA
- Russell-Tran
- snystromRecast
- Tetrazene
- ThetadineUK
- veghp@Edinburgh-Genome-Foundry
- werkamsusSonoma