Collections of robotics environments geared towards benchmarking multi-task and meta reinforcement learning
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Two questions about image rendering
#516 opened by MasterXiong - 4
- 8
Expert Policy fails in Push-V2 and other tasks, particularly with newer versions of MetaWorld.
#514 opened by Dongjiahua - 1
- 5
- 1
Expose Resetting via State
#512 opened by reginald-mclean - 0
Drop support for Python 3.8
#510 opened by reginald-mclean - 1
create a format for opening issues
#497 opened by reginald-mclean - 5
How to set a new camera view in metashape?
#506 opened by Aoyama7Hai - 6
Rendering with render_mode="rgb_array" does not work properly when rendering multiple envs
#448 opened by ManfredStoiber - 2
Multiple cameras in render
#513 opened by AmpiroMax - 0
Goal Position Bug Sweep-V2
#511 opened by cromicron - 11
- 1
Update the step function in Readme?
#504 opened by raymondchua - 0
#500 opened by reginald-mclean - 7
Non deterministic behaviour of env.reset
#496 opened by jayaramreddy10 - 1
new_mocap_pos = self.data.mocap_pos + pos_delta[None]
#495 opened by Lan131 - 2
Add MJX support?
#450 opened by reginald-mclean - 1
Image space question
#489 opened by Lan131 - 1
An issue about data
#488 opened by Zhangwenyao1 - 1
Modifying the tasks?
#492 opened by luisegehaijing - 1
Safely Using Customized Environment Without Goal/End Effector Sites for Visual-Based Task Completion
#491 opened by EwertzJN - 2
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Camera view?
#455 opened by Hong753 - 3
env.render() returns None
#487 opened by jayaramreddy10 - 1
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Button Press Topdown Wall Expert Policy gives 0 reward but solves task
#481 opened by reginald-mclean - 3
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add `gymnasium==1.0.0a` support
#464 opened by Kallinteris-Andreas - 1
Warnings in numpy >= 1.25
#454 opened by carlosluis - 2
Objects move slightly after reset
#443 opened by reginald-mclean - 9
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About camera size of observation
#472 opened by yingchengyang - 2
`SawyerXYZEnv` is not seeded correctly
#461 opened by dtch1997 - 3
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'metaworld.policies.sawyer_stick_push_policy'
#465 opened by russellthor30 - 5
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benchmark environment for training
#466 opened by nanzhu2003 - 0
Skipping tests for env gym.envs.atari:AtariEnv
#463 opened by nanzhu2003 - 0
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ValueError: could not broadcast input array from shape (11,) into shape (7,)
#460 opened by nanzhu2003 - 2
Contributing.md setup isn't accurate
#456 opened by balloch - 0
Create a guide to use the Scripted policies
#447 opened by reginald-mclean - 2
Is the fixed env.reset() intended?
#446 opened by chwoong - 5
Truncating when using new gymnasium version
#436 opened by goldbird5 - 2
No "self.sim" for v2 envs
#441 opened by YanjieZe - 3
Issues running MT50
#440 opened by JosselinSomervilleRoberts - 12
On resetting a state to a given state / Extracting image observation from past state?
#439 opened by famishedrover - 3
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Question of the reward of button press task.
#433 opened by RyanLiu112