
:bar_chart: :clipboard: Bioconductor R package with Graphical Interface to handle multi-omic data by Classification, Enrichment and Network inference.

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Maintenance Lifecycle: experimental last commit



πŸš€ The purpose of this document is to help you become productive as quickly as possible with the multiSight package.

  • The goal of multiSight is to handle multi-omics data and network inference in a easy-to-use R shiny package.

You could use this tool with a graphical interface or only with script functions (see Vignette and manual for detailed examples).


You can install the released version of multiSight from Bioconductor with:

#To install this package ensure you have BiocManager installed
if (!requireNamespace("BiocManager", quietly = TRUE))

#The following initializes usage of Bioc devel

multiSight purpose

multiSight is an R package providing an user-friendly graphical interface to analyze and explore your omic datasets in a multi-omics manner by DESeq2 (see Biological Insights tab), machine learning methods with biosigner and multi-block statistical analysis (see Classification tab) helped by p-values pooling Stouffer’s method.

Classification models are fitted to select few subsets of features, using biosigner or sPLS-DA methods. biosigner provides one model by omic block and one list of features named biosignature. Nevertheless, sPLS-DA biosignatures are based on more features than biosigner.

Biosignatures can be used:

  • To forecast phenotype (e.g. for diagnostic, histological subtyping);
  • To design Pathway and gene ontology enrichment (sPLS-DA biosignatures only);
  • To build Network inference;
  • To find PubMed references to make assumptions easier and data-driven.

πŸ“° App

multiSight enables you to get better biological insights for each omic dataset helping by four analytic modules which content:

  • πŸ“ Data input & results;
  • 🎯 Classification models building;
  • πŸ“š Biological databases querying;
  • 🌱 Network Inference & PubMed querying.

πŸ‘‰ Run the application

πŸ“ Home 🎯 Classification πŸ“š Biological Insights 🌱 Assumption

What kind of data?

All types of omic data respecting input format is supported to build classification models, biosignatures selection and network inference.

  • Genomics;
  • Transcriptomics;
  • Proteomics;
  • Metabolomics;
  • Lipidomics;

πŸ‘‰ In fact all numeric matrices.

Data inputs formats

You have to provide two types of data: numeric matrices and classes vector as csv tables for all same samples.

Omic data 1

AOFJ 0 150 1004 …
A13E 34 0 0

Omic data 2

ENSG00000139618 ENSG00000226023 ENSG00000198695
AOFJ 25 42 423 …
A13E 0 154 4900

… πŸ‘‰ unlimited number of omic datasets.

Omic data n

4292 5254 7432
AOFJ 25 42 423 …
A13E 0 154 4900

Omic classes

AOFJ condA
A13E condB

🎯 Classification tab

Two types of models have been implemented so far to answer different questions: biosigner & sPLS-DA (DIABLO) .

  • To determine small biosignatures - biosigner.
  • To build classification models in a multi-omics way - DIABLO.
  • To select relevant biological features to enrich - DIABLO.
Features selected Performances

πŸ“š Biological insights tab

Biological Insight tab is dedicated to give biological sense to your data.

  • You could process 2 analysis in 2 clicks: both DESeq2 and DIABLO features ORAs for functional enrichment.

Biological Annotation Databases

multiSight uses so far several databases to provide a large panel of enrichment analysis, automatically after few clicks:

Pathways and Gene Ontology databases are implemented, helped by clusterProfiler and reactomePA R Bioconductor packages.

  • Kegg;
  • Reactome;
  • wikiPathways;
  • Molecular Function (GO)
  • Cellular Component (GO)
  • Biological Process (GO)


Two types of result visualization are given:

  • Classical Enrichment tables for each omic and each database (e.g.  Pathways id, p-value, padjust columns).
  • And, when more than one omic enriched: a Multi-omics table and a multi-omics enrichment map for DESeq2 and DIABLO selected features.
DESeq2 & DIABLO features Enrichment tables Enrichment Map

🌱 Assumption tab

πŸ‘‰ Some clicks (from 4 to number of PubMed queries)

Assumption tab aims to help biological hypothesis making by network inference from feature relationship values (e.g correlation, partial correlation) and by a PubMed module.

You can find both functions:

  • To compute network inference and to reveal feature relationships.
  • To get PubMed articles based on your personalized query without leaving app.
Network Inference PubMed query

🏁 Results

You could retrieve different results computed by multiSight in Home tab by:

  • Automatic report with all results in HTML and .doc documents.
  • .RData with all results obtained by the graphical application.

Note that tables could be downloaded in a separated way in relative tabs.

MODELS: classification models you can use on future data.

DESeq2: differential expression analysis tables.

BIOSIGNATURES: DESeq2 tables thresholding and DIABLO multi-omics features selection method

Functional ENRICHMENTS: 6 databases functional enrichment for all omic datasets you provide enriched by Stouffer’s pooling p-value method giving a multi-omics enrichmentt able easily to discuss.

NETWORKS: network inference analysis with all features selected from all omic datasets according to DESeq2 tables thresholding or multi-omics feature selection (correlation, partial correlation, mutual information).

BIBLIOGRAPHY : a subset of PubMed articles relative to relations you choose in network inference tab.