- 1
Pose topic
#40 opened by Echi186 - 1
Camera-to-world transform matrix
#42 opened by jiwencao - 0
Compile on Ubuntu 20.04
#36 opened by YanhaoZhang - 1
when to release the rest of the dataset
#25 opened by HaisenbergPeng - 4
[Question] integrate images and laser scans.
#24 opened by femust - 3
IMU to GPS antenna lever arm
#20 opened by juliajing72 - 1
Direct access Rosbags on S3
#14 opened by wiegelmann - 3
Convert lidar csv files to pcds
#26 opened by Liumouliu - 0
- 0
Some question on the data
#38 opened by YanhaoZhang - 4
question about IMU data
#23 opened by huanhexiao - 1
Inaccurate ground-truth trajectories
#37 opened by fferflo - 2
about linear velocity
#16 opened by divyabhanukadaru - 0
Subscribing to image data 8UC3
#35 opened by dmorris0 - 1
Dropped 100.00% of messages so far. Please turn the [ros.velodyne_pointcloud.message_filter
#34 opened by laghbani - 1
- 3
Velodyne data to pcd2 conversion
#21 opened by divyabhanukadaru - 14
convert gps coordinates to local reference
#29 opened by Liumouliu - 0
- 0
[Question] Python / C++ api
#31 opened by ali-robot - 0
- 0
project lidar scanned point clouds to images
#28 opened by Liumouliu - 5
- 6
IMU - gravity removed from linear accel?
#3 opened by kylelindgren - 2
About the linear accelaration
#13 opened by Saixiaoma - 21
multi_lidar_convert failed by using the Sample-Data
#10 opened by junjtang - 8
- 1
- 2
Rosbag Timezone Information
#17 opened by kevinsoucy - 3
- 2
- 3
question about the time interval of IMU
#9 opened by slamhuangxin - 2
Reflectivity for surroundings
#11 opened by gsanya - 6
download the files of datasets
#8 opened by slamhuangxin - 1
Future plans
#5 opened by eds89 - 1
download slowly
#4 opened by Luxcy - 1
Relative coordinate system definition
#6 opened by jingyibo123 - 1
Problems with Links in Readme file
#1 opened by cameronrainey