Awesome Meraki APIs
A curated list of Meraki API scripts for Developers, inspired by awesome-go and awesome-python.
- Meraki Indoor Location: Tools to use Meraki Location API with the framework. Easily develop location-based services in your mobile and web app.
Have a Meraki Use case? would you like to contribute a code that is tangible and usable to share with other Developers? Leveraging our awesome Meraki APIs found HERE contribute a working code for a chance to win a Meraki Switch.
There are only 3 Rules:
- Your code works.
- Your code accomplishes a task.
- Be Awesome!
Some ideas can be found HERE Thanks to all contributors; you rock! Happy Coding!
DISCLAIMER: Cisco Meraki does not make any commitments about the resources listed in this document, nor the accuracy of the third party resources and any content accessible via those links.
Libraries for create custom dashboards.
- DashboardAPI - Ruby implementation of the Meraki Dashboard API .
- node-meraki-dashboard - A slightly opinionated node.js client library for using the Meraki Dashboard API.
- meraki-dashboard-pwa-admin - A Vue.JS Progressive Web App for the Meraki Dashboard. This is a collection of tools and meraki services to manage a cloud network.
- meraki-dashboard-vue-admin - A custom dashboard using the Meraki Dashboard API and Vue.js. It provides a backend Express server to route API requests.
- meraki-ionic-app - An Ionic 2 based mobile app for the Meraki Dashboard API. It attempts to demonstrate the various possibilities with the API. This is a work in progress.
- meraki-dashboard - Python 3.6 module providing all current Meraki Dashboard API calls to interface with the Cisco Meraki cloud-managed IT solutions.
- Meraki.Dashboard - A strong-typed, mockable Cisco Meraki Dashboard API .Net Standard client library.
Libraries for administration and monitoring.
- meraki_logstash - Monitor all your Events, IDS, Flows, and URL Syslog information. Works and tested with Logstash v1.5.
- LEDE-MR33 - Bringup for the Cisco Meraki MR33 Access Point on LEDE (Linux Embedded Development Environment).
- meraki_functions - These are a set of functions to interact with the Meraki cloud via the REST API.
- Meraki-configurator - Script designed to work with the Meraki API.
- meraki-linux - Copy of the Cisco Meraki Linux Kernel Source from
- meraki_api - Meraki API wrapper
- meraki-updater - Update Meraki devices using the provisioning API.
- cisco-meraki-fw-ap-rules-api - Python script that list/update your Cisco Meraki AP (Wireless) Firewall rules.
- Provision-API-Python-Lib - Experimental python library for the Meraki Provision API.
- merakiquery - This general python script will query the Cisco Meraki Dashboard for all the users attached to the networks.
- Meraki-Firewall-Reporting - Gave much more dimension to the data that can be reported on for the Meraki MX Firewalls.
- snow-angular-network-creator-ui - The UI source app for interacting with a backend Meraki proxy. This version was adjusted for a ServiceNow backend.
- simpleMerakiDashboardProxy - A stand-alone proxy server for the Meraki Dashboard API.
- excap-clientjs-zapier - Meraki Captive Portal using client side JavaScript and posts to Zapier.
- alexaMerakiSkill - An Alexa skill to interact with a Cisco Meraki cloud managed network.
- googleform-registerMerakiAdmin - A Google Script to create a Meraki Dashboard admin account based on their Google Form entry.
- merakiapi-node - This is a nodejs Meraki API.
- meraki-ap-crypto-ticker - Uses the Cisco Meraki cloud API to set the SSID of an owned wireless network to the current BTC and/or ETH value.
- ansible-meraki - Ansible modules for Cisco Meraki cloud managed networks.
- New-MerakiVPN - A PowerShell 4.0 approach to deploying Meraki Client VPN.
- alexa-meraki - Example of a basic Alexa custom skill with Meraki API examples.
- MerakiAnalytics - Azure PaaS Implementation using Lambda Architecture of Cisco Meraki In-Store Location Analytics.
- MerakiCLI - MerakiCLI is a command line program that tokenizes the commands and sends them through REST to Meraki.
- HackZurich-Project - Project - Sending internal messages with Cisco meraki is easy.
- MerakiPowershell - Manipulating Meraki networks with Powershell.
- meraki-cli - Meraki CLI.
- pantao - Bot for Cisco Spark providing an interface to Meraki location services.
Libraries to test the Location API Services
- cisco-meraki-cmx-api-app - Shows you how to get started using the Cisco Meraki CMX API.
- node-red-contrib-meraki-cmx - A Node-RED node to receive WiFi and Bluetooth beacon location data from a Cisco Meraki wireless network.
- cmxreceiver-lambda-inline - An in-line AWS Lambda function to collect Cisco Meraki CMX location data.
- cmxreceiver - A Cisco Meraki CMX receiver based on NodeJS with Express.
- meraki-indoor-location - IndoorLocation using the Cisco Meraki wifi infrastructure.
- cmxreceiver-python - A Cisco Meraki CMX receiver based on Python with Flask.
- node-red-contrib-meraki-cmx - Cisco Meraki CMX WiFi Presence receiver
- Meraki-Dashboard-API-Postman-Collection - The complete Meraki Dashboard API in a Postman Collection.
- meraki-service-scripts - A collection of scripts to interact with the custom meraki-service library for the Cisco Meraki platform.
- meraki-service - A Cisco Meraki Dashboard API service library. Handles API keys, redirects, and exposes methods for the most popular endpoints, and can act as a proxy.
- meraki-location-api-dispatcher-node-red - A simple Node-RED flow to relay a Meraki CMX / Location API Post to additional receivers. This helps to overcome the 4 POST URL limitation on the Meraki Dashboard.
- node-red-contrib-meraki-cmx - Cisco Meraki CMX WiFi Presence receiver.
- MerakiLocationFirebase - A Meraki Location Scanning API receiver using Google Firebase Functions and Database.
- meraki-location-scanning-app - Simple Ruby web app that leverages Meraki's location scanning api.
- merakiCmx - Python based Docker container to accept a feed from Meraki dashboard CMX).
- meraki-bot - Example of how to integrate Cisco Spark with a Meraki cloud.
- merakibot - Slack bot that connects to the Meraki API.
- meraki-spark-bot - A Cisco Spark bot that can interact with the Meraki Dashboard (and Tropo).
External Captive Portals excap
Libraries to build external captive portals
- meraki-php-excap - An example external captive portal for the meraki cloud controller written in php
- meraki-social-splash - Cisco Meraki captive portal with social single sign on. This is Python Flask app using flask-oauthlib and support signin for Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Weibo and Wechat.
- excap-social - Cisco Meraki Captive Portal with Social Passport support using the ExCAP API.
- meraki-mews-splash - A Cisco Meraki Captive Portal with VueJS using the MEWS API for hospitatlity integrations.
- meraki-splash-vue - A Cisco Meraki Captive Portal with VueJS.
- meraki-splash-gp - Meraki Captive Portal using Group Policies. NodeJS Express Handlebars.
- meraki-dashboard-api-express - Meraki Dashboard API Express server with basic Vue JS demo.
- node-red-flow-meraki-splash-gp - A Meraki Captive Portal using Group Policies for one-time registration.
- MerakiCaptivePortal-firebaseDB - A Meraki Captive Portal demo, which performs all client login logic within the public HTML/JS pages. The login data will be saved into a Google Firebase DB.
- excap-MerakiSplashSimple-client-side - A Meraki Captive Portal demo, which performs all client login logic within the public HTML/JS pages. A NodeJS server is provided for convenience but the public folder could be used for an Apache project.
- excap-social - Cisco Meraki Captive Portal with Social Passport support using the ExCAP API. This for demonstration purposes and comes with no guarantee or official support.