
🇪🇪 A list of neat projects made in Estonia

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A list of neat projects made in Estonia



🌟 Name Description 🌍
1416 @andris9/jStorage jStorage is a simple key/value database to store data on browser side ↗️
788 @andris9/mailparser Decode mime formatted e-mails
358 @andris9/simplesmtp Simple SMTP server/client module ↗️
292 @andris9/simpleStorage Cross-browser key-value store database to store data locally in the browser. Simpler fork of jStorage
194 @andris9/node-markdown Parse Markdown syntax with Node.JS
193 @andris9/pem Create private keys and certificates with node.js
192 @andris9/smtp-server Create custom SMTP servers on the fly
109 @martintajur/node-mysql-activerec… MySQL ActiveRecord Adapter for Node.js (tags: nodejs, node, mysql, active record, activerecord)
103 @harrisiirak/cron-parser Node.js library for parsing crontab instructions
103 @andris9/fetch Fetch URL contents with Node.js
103 @kirstein/angular-disqus A set of directive(s) and services for disqus to simplify the life of developers. ↗️
98 @andris9/node-gettext Gettext module For Node.JS to use .MO and .PO files
96 @andris9/stylus-sprite Generate sprites with Stylus ↗️
93 @andris9/node-gearman
89 @andris9/highlight Syntax highlighter for Node.JS
86 @kallaspriit/HTML5-JavaScript-Gam… Library for accessing gamepads in modern browsers. ↗️
77 @andris9/nodemailer-ses-trans… AWS SES transport for Nodemailer
69 @andris9/NodePie RSS/Atom parser for Node.JS
69 @andris9/mimelib Mime related functions for Node.JS
56 @kirstein/angular-autodisable ngAutodisable directive for angular. Automatic disable for buttons rocks! ↗️
49 @andris9/hoodiecrow Scriptable IMAP server for client integration testing ↗️
43 @andris9/n3 pop3 server for node.js
34 @DeadAlready/npm-ducttape
33 @andris9/xoauth2 XOAuth2 token generation with node.js
30 @andris9/gettext-parser Parse and compile gettext po and mo files, nothing more, nothing less
29 @andris9/encoding Encode/decode strings with node-iconv and iconv-lite
26 @msokk/electron-render-serv… Microservice for rendering PDF/PNG/JPEG from HTML with Electron
25 @andris9/node-jsonrpc JSON-RPC handler for Node.JS
25 @andris9/nodemailer-markdown Adds markdown property to Nodemailer e-mail data
25 @harrisiirak/webhdfs Node.js WebHDFS REST API client
21 @andris9/nodemailer-dkim DKIM signing for Nodemailer
21 @andris9/gearnode Gearman worker and client for Node.js
21 @andris9/pubsubhubbub PubSubHubbub subscriber
21 @deiwin/ngImageInputWithPrev… A FileReader based Angular directive to easily preview and upload image files ↗️
20 @andris9/nodemailer-html-to-t… Nodemailer plugin to generate text content from HTML
19 @andris9/nodemailer-stub-tran… Stub transport for testing Nodemailer e-mails
19 @nene/filter-row FilterRow plugin for Ext.grid.GridPanel ↗️
18 @peeter-tomberg/tailjs
18 @rla/sql-sync Offline replication between SQLite (clients) and MySQL (master).
16 @andris9/rai Request-Answer-Interface
15 @andris9/nodemailer-sendmail-… Sendmail transport for Nodemailer
14 @deiwin/ngGeolocator Let the user tell you where they are with the aid of HTML5 Geolocation API and Google Maps. ↗️
14 @andris9/torfetch
14 @DeadAlready/easy-rbac RBAC implementation for Node.js
13 @nene/jintervals JavaScript library for time intervals formatting ↗️
10 @koliada/FireTasks A Google Tasks client for Firefox OS
10 @rla/prolog-target-js Simple Prolog to JS transpiler
10 @martintajur/Maverick Javascript-based MVC framework ↗️
9 @DeadAlready/node-easy-config
7 @kallaspriit/Robocup-Simulator Visual omni-wheels based robot simulator on HTML5 technologies ↗️
6 @DeadAlready/node-easy-session Improved security and session management for express/connect
5 @kirstein/generator-node-cs Yeoman generator for node-coffeescript with no excess bullshit
5 @kallaspriit/KalmanJS JavaScript implementation and interactive playground for Kalman filters. ↗️
5 @DeadAlready/node-zuora ZuoraAPI
4 @egonelbre/jstricks
4 @egonelbre/neuro Neural Network Simulation
4 @kallaspriit/APP5 HTML5 Application Framework
3 @krishaamer/TomeApp Tomé Storyworld Companion for the iPhone
3 @msokk/webrtc-talk Slides and demo for Tallinn HTML5
Summer Meetup
3 @msokk/smog Pluggable comet chatroom written in NodeJS ↗️
3 @harrisiirak/oauth-client Yet another Node.js OAauth library
3 @kirstein/angular-routeblocker Angular module that helps controlling registered route triggering
3 @kallaspriit/JavaScript-ViewRight… JavaScript wrapper library for the ViewRight player. ↗️
3 @martintajur/Engine.IO-app-boiler… A simple chat application based on Engine.IO boilerplate. Coded in less than 5 minutes during a HTML5 meetup in Tallinn, Estonia.
3 @martintajur/Engine.IO-app-boiler… A lightweight boilerplate application for creating real-time application on top of Engine.IO
3 @egonelbre/spector Trace inspector for Go.
2 @rla/cworklog-android Android app to access CWorkLog through the online API
2 @rla/estimator Simple project schedule estimator
2 @DeadAlready/node-ssl-keygen
2 @kallaspriit/react-flux-requirejs… Seed project for building an application based on Facebook's React, the Flux architecture, requirejs modules and grunt build plaatform
2 @nene/touch-docs
2 @boxmein/starcatcher-script-s… Frontend HTML, design and interactivity for a Lua script hoster/manager - for @cracker64 and @jacob1. ↗️
2 @boxmein/UserEdits User edits to various sites.
2 @LunaSquee/squeebot The IRC Bot of LunaSquee
2 @LunaSquee/DerpyIRC Former web IRC client for pony fans [Discontinued]
2 @nene/mrequires Median JS loader and builder
2 @egonelbre/fuse-ed fluid designing/diagramming tool ↗️
2 @nene/extract_ext_define Extract members from Ext.define(...)
2 @rla/phantomjs-dirty Dirty-compatible key-value database for PhantomJS
2 @nene/obfunctional JavaScript library based on Functional JS
2 @rla/wdt Widget-styled object-oriented DOM helper
2 @peeter-tomberg/hapi-mongodb-promise… A simple Hapi MongoDB connection plugin with baked in promises.
2 @rla/concatter Single-file app js concat utility
2 @nene/rewriter A proof-of-concept JavaScript compiler that optimizes the speed of array iteration.
2 @DeadAlready/node-foldermap


🌟 Name Description 🌍
153 @madisp/pretty A convenience library to process View attributes in Android layout files at runtime.
89 @angryziber/simple-java Code for the talk at GOTOCon Prague & Amsterdam about writing simple web apps - Plain Simple Java, and another one at Topconf - 3 tales of testing DB-enabled apps ↗️
65 @toomasr/skype-bot Skype Bot - In Kittens We Trust ↗️
8 @angryziber/java-course Java course from Tallinn Technical University, 2005-2011
6 @toomasr/liverebel-deploy-plu… LiveRebel CI Deploy Plugin
5 @lfbarragan/Banned-Interview-Que… Android experiment, created a simple UI to show Q&A for Job interviews but it could be use for any kind of Q&A
5 @antonarhipov/asmdemo A basic example using ASM library for bytecode instrumentation
4 @igorzep/hashcat Small utility to search duplicate files on disk based on hash of the files. Can also find some 'broken' files based on similar beginning blocks. Everything is hard-coded to source code currently including paths to search and previously made indexes of external media.
4 @antonarhipov/nanorest A demo project for demonstrating the basics of JRebel plugin development ↗️
3 @toomasr/sgf4j Simple SGF Parser for Java
3 @antonarhipov/jpoint Demo project for "Having fun with Javassist" talk
3 @madisp/stupid A stupid scripting language for Java/JVM
3 @madisp/trails
2 @lfbarragan/Kiss-The-Presidents Android experiment to play with the camera API. At the moment includes presidents from Venezuela, USA, France, China and North Korea. Feel free to check the code and add the president of your country
2 @angryziber/patterns Design pattern Java demo code for an interactive talk at Agile Saturday VI
2 @angryziber/crypto-talk Example code for Digital Signatures talk ↗️
2 @jevgeni/algo-class Algo-class
2 @jevgeni/testing-atmosphere
2 @jevgeni/clojure-plugin idea clojure plugin ↗️
2 @igorzep/cocoon-springificati… Springification of Cocoon 3
2 @timasjov/multithreaded-tcp-se… Simple multithreaded TCP sever
2 @lsaffre/eidreader International eID card reader
2 @madisp/divide-and-conquer A fork of the Divide and Conquer Android sample game
2 @toomasr/lazy-dev-snippets Snippets for the Lazy Developers


🌟 Name Description 🌍
33 @discosultan/penumbra 2D lighting with soft shadows for MonoGame
28 @discosultan/quake-console Quake-style console for MonoGame
17 @amPerl/Coob A CubeWorld Server
6 @gpeipman/Windows-Phone-7-Expe… My Windows Phone 7 experiments and examples ↗️
5 @sandersaares/nuget-package-author… Example code to illustrate the authoring of NuGet packages
4 @sala91/word.NET ASP.net blogengine


🌟 Name Description 🌍
2 @kasparvihm/LightLess Lightless UI


🌟 Name Description 🌍
3 @alvatal/alvatal.github.io Homepage
2 @raxsade/youtube-embedder Compiles an advanced html snippet for embedding a YouTube player on a web page


🌟 Name Description 🌍
20 @berkus/libnat Libraries for NAT traversal and hole punching
14 @berkus/wkdm Apple XNU WKdm fast memory page compressor
8 @leio/libdvbsub Library for DVB subtitles parsing and preparation for display
8 @ErintLabs/bezier-fragment-shad… A sample implementation of the approach outlined in: http://research.microsoft.com/apps/pubs/…
3 @leio/gst-missing-plugins-… GStreamer missing plugin handling for Gentoo Linux
2 @Blefish/android_bootable_boo… Huawei IDEOS X5 Little Kernel Bootloader
2 @artuuuro/vasp_tools Various tools for VASP
2 @andresv/UTFT-Energia Energia port of the Henning Karlsen's UTFT library
2 @manumanfred/device-samsung-tuna A common device tree for Galaxy Nexus. Lp 5.1.1
2 @berkus/anic Automatically exported from code.google.com/p/anic
2 @ErintLabs/SDL_image An up-to-date SDL_image repository unofficial git mirror. Will be maintained until Git starts supporting foreign submodules.
2 @berkus/opus OPUS audio codec, patched up and with CMake build setup


🌟 Name Description 🌍
15 @tonuonu/OpenLicencePlate Open Source Licence Plate Recognition library
5 @sim642/calculate Expression evaluator using shunting-yard algorithm and RPN.
2 @sim642/AirTraffic Single- and multiplayer game about being an air traffic controller
2 @sim642/p0rtalSnake Snake game that includes portals


🌟 Name Description 🌍
4 @bsideup/TrylogicFramework flex-like (non flex-based) ActionScript framework for web development (games, social, etc) ↗️


🌟 Name Description 🌍
17 @toggl/pipes-api Pipes API
8 @toggl/crap A deployment tool similar to Capistrano, but simplerer
6 @toggl/pinger An utility to monitor services ↗️
5 @toggl/mango Mango imports data from third party services into Toggl
4 @toggl/bugsnag bugsnag.com API client in Go
2 @toggl/go-freshbooks This project implements a golang client library for the Freshbooks API


🌟 Name Description 🌍
2 @MastaP/ATP-in-Haskell A playground for implementing automated theorem provers in Haskell


🌟 Name Description 🌍
24 @henrinormak/NORMarkdownParser A lightweight wrapper around the hoedown Markdown parser, turning Markdown into NSAttributedString.
16 @laevandus/NSTextFieldHyperlink…
13 @laevandus/MyTunesController Lightweight application for controlling iTunes on Mac OS X. Additionally fetches and shows lyrics.
9 @w-i-n-s/SimplePlugin SimplePlugin for MacOS 10.9 (Mail.app 7.0)
8 @henrinormak/UIColor-HNExtensions A grab-bag of different UIColor related extensions
7 @henrinormak/GOPlacesAutocomplete Lightweight Objective-C wrappers around Google Places Autocomplete and Details APIs
4 @laevandus/Lookout Demonstrates using QTKit for capturing video from multiple devices simultaneously
3 @henrinormak/UITokenTextField UITokenTextField is a simple UIControl, that allows iOS
2 @jaanussiim/ios-demo-lifter Demo project for 'floating' map annotations
2 @laevandus/MyTunesControllerPlu…


🌟 Name Description 🌍
92 @FastVPSEestiOu/Antidoto Linux antimalware and antirootkit tool ↗️
19 @FastVPSEestiOu/openvz-network-shape… Network bandwidth shaper for OpenVZ/PCS/Virtuozzo with IPv6 and hash filter features
18 @FastVPSEestiOu/storage-system-monit… Toolkit for checking health of different storage systems: linux software raids, hardware raids (Adaptec, LSI) and dmesg
8 @FastVPSEestiOu/open_vestat script for output top 20 openvz containers for cpu/disk usage
8 @FastVPSEestiOu/vzrepair script for boot OpenVZ container to repair mode
6 @jjpp/plamk Praktiline Lõplikel Automaatidel põhinev Morfoloogiakirjeldus
3 @kainkalju/kubjas cron like periodic job scheduler


🌟 Name Description 🌍
166 @erikuus/Yii-Playground Yii Framework Widgets and Extensions ↗️
142 @tuupola/slim-jwt-auth PSR-7 JWT Authentication Middleware ↗️
139 @tuupola/slim-basic-auth HTTP Basic Authentication for Slim Framework ↗️
86 @tuupola/php_google_maps API to help working with Google Static Maps. ↗️
80 @kristovaher/Wave-Framework Open Source API-centric PHP Micro-framework ↗️
69 @keevitaja/linguist Localization support for the Laravel framework
64 @keevitaja/keeper-laravel role/permission based authentication package using Guard
30 @tuupola/slim-image-resize Image Resize Middleware for Slim Framework
28 @erikuus/Yii-Extensions My Collection of Yii Extensions
22 @anroots/kohana-db-acl Database-based ACL module for Kohana 3.3.
18 @tuupola/wolf_assets Mephisto style assets management for Wolf CMS. This plugin is currently unmaintained. Let me know if you want to take over. ↗️
18 @ahtih/Geoclustering A Drupal module to combine thousands of Nodes to node clusters based on their geographic coordinates
16 @keevitaja/rulez-laravel input validation service for Laravel 4
15 @anroots/kohana-commoneer Extension of the Kohana Framework, adding commonly used features for faster development.
15 @tuupola/slim-api-skeleton Slim 3 API skeleton project for Composer
12 @tuupola/wolf_dashboard Provides simple admin dashboard to Wolf CMS. ↗️
12 @communitytools/Community-Tools Tools for creating and managing communities (abandoned version) ↗️
10 @tuupola/witchcraft Opionated PHP magic methods as traits for PHP 5.4+ ↗️
10 @janar/facebook-php-sdk-exa… Example of facebook iframe app using graph-API calls through php-sdk ↗️
9 @tuupola/wolf_funky_cache Funky cache plugin for Wolf CMS ↗️
9 @keevitaja/myseo-pyrocms SEO module for PyroCMS
8 @tuupola/frog_jquery Add jQuery to Frog CMS admin interface. ↗️
8 @tuupola/instrument Application metrics toolbox for InfluxDB
7 @cravler/CravlerMaxMindGeoIpB…
7 @anroots/kohana-minion-import… CLI data importer for the Kohana Framework ↗️
7 @anroots/kohana-twitter A example microblog project with Kohana 3 ↗️
6 @anroots/kohana-diagnostic A diagnostic module for Kohana 3.2 projects
6 @communitytools/Community-Tools-Core Community Tools Core module ↗️
5 @keevitaja/mci-codeigniter Multilingual i18n environment for CodeIgniter
5 @tuupola/frog_email_template Provides form mailer backend to Frog CMS. This code is no longer maintained. Please go to: https://github.com/dajare/wolf_email_tem… ↗️
5 @sergeil/SliExtJsIntegrationB… Auxiliary classes for deeper and more seamless integration of ExtJs library on server-side. Provides data mapping and dynamic query building services.
5 @tuupola/php_record Simple Active Record implementation in PHP.
5 @tuupola/wolf_first_child Redirect to first child page behaviour for Wolf CMS. ↗️
5 @riho/Drupal-Mobiil-ID Drupal module that adds the option to log in using the Estonian Mobiil-ID service ↗️
5 @riho/Drupal-ID-Card Drupal module that adds the option to log in using the Estonian ID-Card service ↗️
5 @tuupola/cors-middleware PSR-7 CORS middleware for Slim 3, Zend Expressive et al.
5 @janar/facebook-offline-acc… Small script that demonstrates facebook offline_access usage. It collects user access tokens into mysql database and later uses them for batch posting messages onto their walls. ↗️
4 @anroots/kohana-simple-migrat… A simplistic MySQL migration module for Kohana, inspired by Java Play framework
4 @petskratt/Inchoo_Alternate Sample rel=alternate hreflang extension from Inchoo blogpost
4 @Zedzed/Redisko PHPRedis module for Kohana 3.x
4 @miamibc/joker-irc-bot PHP class for creatng an IRC bot. ↗️
4 @tuupola/wolf_jquery_ui Add jQuery UI to Wolf CMS admin interface. ↗️
4 @keevitaja/myimages-pyrocms Plugin to display images in layout files
4 @anroots/kohana-hapi HTTP API module for Kohana 3.3 framework ↗️
4 @Siim/PHP-forum PHP forum
3 @janar/php-ehak-xml-parser Little class for parsing Classification of Estonian administrative units and settlements xml provided by http://metaweb.stat.ee/
3 @Zedzed/Tinyurl ShortUrl module for Kohana Framework v3.x
3 @lkraav/wordpress-pure-css Provides add_theme_support() handling for loading Pure CSS modules
3 @tuupola/slim-todo-backend Slim 3 + Spot example for todobackend.com
3 @tuupola/slim-skeleton Slim 3 + Datamapper + Monolog + Plates project for Composer
3 @sergeil/Moko A very straightforward mocking toolkit for PHP 5.3+
2 @ahtih/ldiw_facebook_welcom… Welcome app for LDIW Facebook Page ↗️
2 @miamibc/sfDoctrineCultureFla… Simple, but powerful language switcher ↗️
2 @anroots/wp-theatre-troupe A Wordpress plugin for small performing groups for listing shows and associated actors.
2 @lkraav/davical-rss-feature-… provide ability for DAViCal to serve RSS and ATOM feeds of CalDAV calendars ↗️
2 @Siim/routec PHP URI Router
2 @janar/bank-payment-php-lib… Payment component written in PHP to create estonian banklinks. Komponent eesti pangalinkide tegemiseks.
2 @tuupola/wolf_jquery_tools Add jQuery Tools to Wolf CMS admin interface. ↗️
2 @sergeil/ExpanderBundle Bundle makes it easy to create extensible bundles by providing a universal extension-points architecture.
2 @sergeil/Vobla NON PRODUCTION READY YET A fully-fledged dependency injection container for PHP5.3+
2 @tuupola/beeper Generic paginator for PHP 5.4+


🌟 Name Description 🌍
21 @riivo/pwum Python web usage mining library
19 @eallik/spinoff THIS REPO IS UNMAINTAINED. Spinoff is a framework for writing distributed, fault tolerant and scalable applications in Python. Spinoff is based on the Actor Model and borrows from Akka (location transparency, actor references, etc) and Erlang (process-like actors).
17 @konstantint/pyliftover Pure-python implementation of UCSC liftOver genome coordinate conversion
16 @mrts/migrate-imap-account… Migrate mail from IMAP server account to GMail account
14 @konstantint/skype-chatsync-reade… Parser and GUI viewer of chatsync/*.dat files from the Skype profile directory
14 @mrts/django-commands Management commands for Django: clear database, backup database, load database from backup, clear cache.
12 @livenson/vcdm CDMI-Proxy provides CDMI-compliant proxy server to public cloud backends.
10 @konstantint/python-boilerplate-t… PasteScript template for initializing a new buildout/pytest/travis/setuptools-enable… Python project ↗️
8 @argoroots/Entu Futuristic Data Management System ↗️
8 @shelajev/ut.parallel_computin… ↗️
8 @eallik/txcoroutine Fuller coroutine support for Twisted than inlineCallbacks + memory efficient tail call optimization
7 @mrts/django-deploy Automatic remote deployment of Django projects with Fabric as well as environment setup and development process guidelines.
7 @nicholasamorim/txsh txsh - asynchronous practical shell
5 @mrts/ubuntu-old-kernel-cl… Script that helps to remove unused kernels from an Ubuntu (and possibly also Debian) Linux system
4 @mrts/plugit A framework for installing applications. See http://wiki.python.org/moin/ApplicationI… for specifics. ↗️
4 @macobo/python-grader Python >= 3.3 automatic grader
3 @madisvain/butler Python deployment automation
3 @konstantint/intervaltree-bio Interval tree convenience classes for genomic data
3 @kristiank/Lausestaja
3 @kristiank/EstNLTK Python API erinevatele (eesti) keeletehnoloogilistele vidinatele
3 @artizirk/tunniplaan.arti.ee Tunniplaani rakendus, mis võimaldab Väike-Maarja Õppekeskuse ja Gümnaasiumi tunniplaane vaadata ilma Flash Playerita ↗️
3 @macobo/sqlcomplete Smart autocomplete for sql
2 @nicholasamorim/chuk Company House UK - Python Client
2 @konstantint/PyENCODE Python convenience package for accessing ENCODE (Encyclopedia of DNA Elements) project data at UCSC
2 @konstantint/RobotexSimulator2011 Simulator for the Robotex 2011
2 @argoroots/ARXradio Internet radio for 22 Estonian radio (and 2 tv) stations.
2 @livenson/libcdmi-python CDMI client library in Python
2 @livenson/opennode-demo-api Demo API for Opennode
2 @livenson/ocmi-tester A TUI tester for OCCI and CDMI servers
2 @mikroskeem/nightsnack Eat snacks at night and don't waste your time on downloading music from YouTube ↗️
2 @mrts/cve_tracker Python CVE tracker
2 @mrts/qparams Add add_query_params() to urlparse and urllib.parse (details at the homepage URL below) ↗️


🌟 Name Description 🌍
2 @andybega/R_utilities Useful functions for R, from a poli sci angle


🌟 Name Description 🌍
487 @moll/vim-node Tools and environment to make Vim superb for developing with Node.js. Like Rails.vim for Node. ↗️
230 @jarmo/require_all A wonderfully simple way to load Ruby code
125 @moll/capistrano-rsync Deploy with Rsync from any local (or remote) repository when using Capistrano. Capistrano v3 ready!
89 @jarmo/RAutomation RAutomation
86 @priithaamer/rubydictionary RDoc generator that turns ruby documentation into Dictionary.app file on Mac.
82 @jarmo/test-page Test::Page helps you to write easily maintainable integration tests using Watir, Selenium or any other testing library by implementing Page Objects pattern.
50 @jarmo/win32screenshot Capture Screenshots on Windows with Ruby
43 @moll/mina-rsync Deploy with Rsync from any local (or remote) repository when using Mina.
32 @take-five/activerecord-hierarc… Simple DSL for creating recursive queries with ActiveRecord
31 @priithaamer/geoip-rails MySQL database backed interface to MaxMind's GeoLite City GeoIP information ↗️
25 @jarmo/WatirSplash Combining best features of Watir and RSpec for browser-based functional testing. ↗️
25 @take-five/acts_as_ordered_tree ActiveRecord extension for ordered adjacency trees support
13 @indrekj/funky_form
12 @take-five/rails-cache-tags Tagged caching support for Rails
10 @take-five/segment_tree Ruby implementation of segment tree data structure for storing intervals. It allows querying which of the stored segments contain a given point.
9 @tarmotalu/digidoc_client
8 @take-five/ox-mapper simplify creation of parsers based on ox
7 @JuriKern/capistrano-recipes Capistrano recipes, Ubuntu 12.04 Edition
7 @indrekj/irc-jabber-bridge Bridge between IRC and Jabber
6 @martkaru/imagga Client for Imagga image analytics services
6 @take-five/postgresql-check Adds helpers to migrations and dumps check constraints to schema.rb
5 @indrekj/guard-slim Guard gem for slim
4 @jarmo/autotest-doom autotest plugin for showing bloody Doom grunt when specs are failing
4 @priithaamer/railsdictionary Rails dictionary for Mac OS X generator
4 @indrekj/bitbot-trader Ruby API for MtGox and Bitstamp
3 @priithaamer/podcasts My podcasts generator feed.
3 @take-five/filter Ruby Enumerable#filter - extended Enumerable#select combined with Enumerable#collect
3 @al3xandr3/Dashboard A little framework for building up interactive html dashboards. ↗️
3 @take-five/traversal Simple traversal API for pure Ruby objects
3 @ajtack/css_auto_include Rails plugin which allows automatic inclusion of CSS files named for the controller and template.
3 @priithaamer/rubymotion-estimote RubyMotion iOS application template that has minimal required setup to work with Estimote iBeacons.
3 @take-five/yandex_market-parser DSL for configuring SAX-based YandexML parser
3 @take-five/deferred_enum Ruby Enumerable extension. Main idea is lazy computations within enumerators.
2 @al3xandr3/ruby collection of ruby util scripts ↗️
2 @ajtack/personal-website My personal website, eventually including a blog and a list of publications. ↗️
2 @JuriKern/ean-rails Expedia Affiliate Network REST API for RAILS ↗️
2 @al3xandr3/daily-extract Scripts that automate the process of aggregating data in a database, extracting it, outputting results into csv files and sending them over by sftp.
2 @take-five/config_accessor
2 @priithaamer/ipizza-omniauth-prov… iPizza authentication strategy provider for Omniauth


🌟 Name Description 🌍
24 @Villane/scalabox2d Scala port of JBox2D ↗️
8 @Villane/mixfix-parsers Mixfix add-on for Scala parser combinators
5 @Villane/lambdacalculus Lambda calculus implementation in Scala
3 @Villane/scala-http-server-ex… Scala HTTP Server Example (RebelLabs)
3 @Villane/vecmath 2D Vector Math Library for Games ↗️
2 @margusf/puf Simple functional language
2 @Villane/geckoboard-scala Geckoboard API for Scala
2 @Villane/paw Scala based libraries for (web) application development


🌟 Name Description 🌍
5 @usrme/ghost-update Ghost updating script


🌟 Name Description 🌍
19 @jbibtex/jbibtex Java BibTeX API

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💖 Support my projects

I open-source almost everything I can, and I try to reply to everyone needing help using these projects. Obviously, this takes time. You can integrate and use these projects in your applications for free! You can even change the source code and redistribute (even resell it).

However, if you get some profit from this or just want to encourage me to continue creating stuff, there are few ways you can do it:

  • Starring and sharing the projects you like 🚀

  • Buy me a book—I love books! I will remember you after years if you buy me one. 😁 📖

  • PayPal—You can make one-time donations via PayPal. I'll probably buy a coffee tea. 🍵

  • Support me on Patreon—Set up a recurring monthly donation and you will get interesting news about what I'm doing (things that I don't share with everyone).

  • Bitcoin—You can send me bitcoins at this address (or scanning the code below): 1P9BRsmazNQcuyTxEqveUsnf5CERdq35V6

Thanks! ❤️

📜 License

MIT © Ionică Bizău