- adam-dziedzicThe University of Toronto & Vector Institute
- AlephNotation@hdresearch
- Ankur-DekaIntel Labs
- ansatzh
- ArthurAllshireUC Berkeley
- bamboosduInstitute for AI Industry Research (AIR), Tsinghua University
- bb1950328Switzerland
- bozcani
- carsonmclean@exo-imaging
- ccwutwUnited Kingdom
- czhang96University of Toronto
- DarrenZhang01University of Toronto
- DCB11
- DSep@OnDeckFisheriesAI
- hany606Daejeon, South Korea
- helen9975
- icisneros
- irenezhang30University of Oxford
- jacobjinkelly@google-deepmind
- JacopoPanUniversity of Toronto, @VectorInstitute
- jike5
- johntiger1Canada
- Justin-YuanUniversity of Toronto
- kavyadevdUniversity of Maryland, College Park
- keenan-burnettaUToronto
- Mohan-Zhang-uToronto Downtown
- ReinaKousakaNew York
- robot-xyh
- simsimiSIONBeijing Institute of Technology
- Takonan
- WilliamwendaUniversity of Toronto @VectorInstitute
- Wuziyi616@uoft-isl
- xin-peng
- xQsM3
- xwinxu@Google-research @facebookresearch
- yply