A tool designed to unify and streamline the evaluation of perception models across different frameworks and datasets.
- AAAAdam
- AditiPawaskarMumbai
- AhmdNassarEgypt
- akhilkumarco007Algomus
- catree
- chanfr
- cppxaxaMicrosoft
- dartzonline@Corteva
- dreamplayerzhang
- EruditePanda
- Essarelle
- hongdayuecarx
- hyaihjq
- JdeRobotHub
- jefersonfDell
- lianDaniel
- maigar
- Omnivore-znc
- pcuencaSpain
- pushkalkataraUnited States
- sayoojbalaNowhere , Earth
- SeungheonOh@mlabs-haskell @Liqwid-Labs
- sharath-golluri97Spatial AI and Robotics Lab, UB
- shuli163love
- sivagnanamnBangalore, India
- sleep-404water
- soufianesabiriMorocco
- sunalbertHangzhou
- tdiekel
- TetsuakiBabaTokyo Metropolitan University
- tiagoh@Microsoft
- VedantParanjapeAMD
- vinay0410Noida
- vivanraajMalaysia
- xiaoerlaigeidSJTU
- zaquest