Marching cubes with and without color interpolation, and edge subsampling.
- aditya-voraSimon Fraser University
- albertpumarolaMeta
- AljazBozicTechnical University of Munich
- chrdillerTechnical University of Munich
- daveredrumHuawei Noah's Ark Lab
- ddiakopoulosApple
- dimtzionasUniversity of Amsterdam
- dvalentAtkins
- fly51flyPRIS
- JiamingSuenZJU-3DV
- jianglongyeUC San Diego
- JuyongUSTC
- lksmiling
- LogWellUSTC
- lu-m13Intel Labs China
- markdjwilliams
- MaxChangerBeijing, China
- mihaibujancaUniversity of Manchester
- mrkulkCommon Sense Machines (https://www.csm.ai/)
- nicolas-chaulet@CanoaPBC
- nihalsidMunich Area, Bayern, Germany
- nileshkulkarniUniversity of Michigan
- nilspinAhmedabad, India
- pathak22UC Berkeley
- rajarshiroy
- RohanChacko
- SirWyverTU Munich
- sunshineatnoonUC Merced
- wangzheallenComputer Vision Researcher
- weiyizhi
- xelatihyUniversity of Modena and Reggio Emilia
- xheonTUM
- yanghtr
- YuliangXiuMax Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems
- zebrajackpungke
- zerchenINRIA