- AhmedMagdyHendawyTechnical University of Darmstadt
- antouanbgNovacom Group.
- bobtsanghong kong
- boris-il-forteIAS laboratory @ Technische Universität Darmstadt
- carloderamoUniversity of Würzburg
- CrisRodriguez
- downseq
- drkostasUniversity of Tennessee, Knoxville
- gluecklichste
- jake-aftAmdens LLC
- jhcloos
- justicelee
- kgl-prml
- laegrim
- lucadivitItaly
- ntarabelloniPolitecnico di Milano
- OlegArenz
- palmieriRobert Bosch GmbH
- paper2code-bot@paper2code
- robfirasIAS @ Technische Universität Darmstadt
- robot-ai-machinelearning
- sefeogluTU Berlin and FU Berlin
- TMatsThe University of Tokyo @matsuolab @matsuolab-research
- wookayinUniversity of Michigan