- alexlimofficial
- amlankarNVIDIA, University of Toronto
- arielingUniversity of Toronto, Nvidia
- bgyssIlludic, Inc.
- bhairavmehta95@ :)
- ChanglBWV1004
- CloudComputer
- cy2307422
- EdwardSmith1884McGill University
- erdmannRijksmuseum, University of Amsterdam
- flgwTechnical University of Denmark
- gangadhar-p
- gavrielstate@NVIDIA
- grohith327Seattle
- GuoShi28China
- hubert0527Taiwan
- ImmocatPinscreen Inc.
- JackLangermanNew York
- jellyDLhangzhou
- lianghongzhuoUniversity of Hamburg @TAMS-Group
- MancheryTsinghua University
- maphysart
- mhiro2@mc-digital
- michaelisc@brendel-group
- michalwolsNew York
- popo919
- ranchengMontreal
- rhythm92Japan
- robmaierTechnical University of Munich
- RomeroBarata
- sooperset
- soumyac1999Stanford University
- SteveJunGaoToronto, Canada
- sunwjWuhan University
- tkeppInstitute of Medical Informatics, University of Luebeck