- 3
Fingers length
#25 opened by BryanBetancur - 0
Grasping problem of real robotic arm
#42 opened by EliKinova - 5
ROS 2 Wrapper
#32 opened by peterdavidfagan - 0
Noise Levels for Training
#41 opened by yuka-hashiguchi - 0
Robot Origin
#40 opened by kistvision - 1
cannot obtain a strong and accurate grasp net
#37 opened by a-badithela - 11
conflict environment
#19 opened by xlim1996 - 0
train error: string is not a file
#39 opened by xins981 - 2 undefined symbol: _ZN10tensorflow14kernel_factory17OpKernel
#4 opened by ChengYaofeng - 0
The performance of the algorithm is greatly affected by the perspective of the collected point cloud
#38 opened by CaptainWuDaoKou - 0
Fine Tune Problem
#36 opened by chenyipeng1 - 1
the result is strange
#35 opened by uuu686 - 1
Scores model output
#27 opened by danialdunson - 4
- 1
Inference time issue
#34 opened by henry890112 - 3
- 7
Issue fo using my own data
#31 opened by henry890112 - 9
Gripper control points
#8 opened by jucamohedano - 0
Issues not related to this project:RGB-D Fusion
#30 opened by JCRONG96 - 1
Problems encountered in the training process
#29 opened by Ruangq - 1
PyTorch implementation
#3 opened by ccc1711 - 2
Gripper Width
#28 opened by BryanBetancur - 0
- 1
Normalizing depth image for inference
#24 opened by AmanuelErgogo - 6
No grab available
#22 opened by Ruangq - 1
About the format of the trained model
#21 opened by Zhen-ao - 2
Output grasp pose
#14 opened by y556zhao - 1
change_object not implemented error
#20 opened by quanvuong - 5
- 3
I have a question?
#18 opened by Ruangq - 1
#17 opened by jucamohedano - 1
No good grasps
#16 opened by ColaDrinkerZ - 1
Generate Contact Grasps and Scenes yourself
#15 opened by styczenavena - 2
Result different during inference
#13 opened by y556zhao - 2
- 2
Visualizing step - Stuck for hours
#11 opened by abhinavkk - 1
Training : Killed
#10 opened by schnellerblitz99 - 1
inference runtime
#7 opened by harryzhangOG - 4
Two gpu training
#5 opened by ymxlzgy