A genomics pipeline build on top of the GATK Queue framework
- 0 not bundled in Piper 1.4.0
#82 opened by johanherman - 0
Support compressing vcf files
#66 opened by b97pla - 3
Coverage not correct
#49 opened by parlundin - 1
calculate checksums for the produced files
#67 opened by b97pla - 0
Ordering error in setup file creation
#64 opened by johandahlberg - 0
Update VQSR parameters
#47 opened by johandahlberg - 0
Update bwa
#53 opened by johandahlberg - 0
Error in README
#55 opened by jessieno - 1
Question: is it intentional to leave out minimumBaseQuality from HaplotypeCallerBase?
#59 opened by biocyberman - 0
- 5
- 0
- 0
Generate snpEff html
#61 opened by parlundin - 0
- 1
- 2
- 3
Less memory for samtools sort
#48 opened by johandahlberg - 0
- 4
Picard metrics file deleted
#41 opened by ewels - 4
UPPMAX: Memory overflow error
#36 opened by parlundin - 22
Add snpEff
#43 opened by ewels - 2
- 0
- 1
- 4
Upgrade to Qualimap 2.0
#44 opened by parlundin - 0
Update to GATK 3.3
#46 opened by johandahlberg - 3
- 4
.done file generated but its not done
#38 opened by parlundin - 3
Some questions before adoption of piper
#45 opened by biocyberman - 2
FastQC added into Piper
#29 opened by johandahlberg - 2
Question for the man
#42 opened by mariogiov - 3
- 1
Genotype concordance error
#39 opened by mariogiov - 3
Add concordance check with snp-genotyping
#27 opened by johandahlberg - 0
- 1
setupFileCreator regex bug
#31 opened by mariogiov - 0
- 2
Report of versions
#23 opened by jessieno - 8
- 1
fc_id naming convention and stckh2UUSNPSEQ
#26 opened by vezzi - 4
Piper return code
#30 opened by vezzi - 3
sthlm2UUSNP NoClassDefFound
#25 opened by mariogiov - 17
sthlm2UUSNP problem on M.Kaller
#22 opened by vezzi - 7
Running piper on M.Kaller_14_06
#21 opened by vezzi - 5
SetupFileCreator problem
#18 opened by vezzi - 0
- 2
sthlm2UUSNP problem with dual-indexing
#20 opened by vezzi - 1
Update to GATK version 3.2-2
#19 opened by johandahlberg - 12
sthlm2UUSNP and four-tier directory format
#17 opened by mariogiov - 3
Qualimap fails
#16 opened by vezzi