
Error depencie on unity 2021.3.17f1

victormartinezsimon opened this issue · 7 comments

I create a clean proyect to test this package and I have this error:

Library\PackageCache\\Unity.Jobs\IJobParallelForDefer.cs(73,85): error CS8377: The type 'U' must be a non-nullable value type, along with all fields at any level of nesting, in order to use it as parameter 'T' in the generic type or method 'NativeList<T>'

I think there are some bad depencies that shouldn't be used.

Thank you

Thanks for the report!

I'll be looking into this ASAP -- never seen that issue before.
It's a bit odd since has always been functional, and shouldn't have been updated by anyone.

A quick research yield this forum thread, not sure it's related but this could possibly means there is a collision between Job Assist (ORCA depends on it) imports and existing libraries in 2021.3.17f1; and these are Job Assist' dependencies. (both Jobs & Collections are there)

When you say "clean project" -- can you give me a quick step-by-step of everything you do so I can try to reproduce the issue at home?

Thank you so much!

Looks like the Jobs API is available without packages as of 2021.3

I'll have to add some compiler branching in the dependencies to support it -- not a huge task but not sure when I'll have the bandwidth for that and don't want to commit to something.
I'd recommend doing a quick test with a previous version of Unity to see if the package would fit your need in the short term?

Actually compiler branching won't cut it, the package will still be pulled and throw an error on 2021.3; I'll have to create an completely different repo just to have an alternative package.json :(

Thanks for your fast answer.
By clean proyect I mean just create a proyect and do the installation process.
But it's there no solution without creating a new repo? :(

I'm looking into it right now :D
I'm currently updating 0.13 -> 0.51 and com.unity.collections 0.0.9 -> 1.3.1 (long due update), making sure it still works in the minimum version I'm supporting (2020.3.11f1); and then see if that fixes the issue in 2022.3!

Hey @victormartinezsimon! Good news!
I was not able to download the 2021.3.17f1 but I tested the updated package and it works on 2020.3.11f1 & 2022.1.0f1 so you should be good ^_^

If you:

  • Start a project from scratch
  • Open the Package Manager
  • Add from git URL the Dependency Resolver
  • Add ORCA from git URL
    (go over these troubleshooting steps if you encounter any issue)
  • Import any example (the first one, Flock, should work)
  • Click play and look at the editor view (not the play view)
  • Confirm the issue is fixed on your end and that the code runs without issues

Let me know if this fixes the issue on your specific version :)

Tested on 2021.3.17f1 and everything is working now.
Thank you