- 3
Training without convergence on Nuscenes dataset
#34 opened by Yzichen - 11
#33 opened by Yutong-gannis - 1
issue about network
#31 opened by Yutong-gannis - 0
#24 opened by ningerlove - 0
Could you please share the training log?
#32 opened by CalvinPaean - 4
How to set up the dataset
#30 opened by zhangzhongzhong1 - 1
#25 opened by ningerlove - 1
supercombo_extra 部署
#26 opened by ningerlove - 1
#27 opened by ningerlove - 1
Pip install failed.
#28 opened by nathanoy - 0
Are checkpoints available?
#29 opened by nathanoy - 1
Dataset splits: Comma2k19
#4 opened by ElectronicElephant - 0
[DEPLOYMENT model] Need a guidance to get the correct output on the frame for Supercombo model
#23 opened by briliantnugraha - 1
training error
#21 opened by bobd988 - 2
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Question about the experiment
#20 opened by YilinGao-SHU - 4
The length of sequence is too short
#19 opened by YilinGao-SHU - 1
where can i find M5_epoch_94.pth?
#12 opened by taoxunqiang - 1
Is there a for nuscenes dataset?
#10 opened by EliomEssaim - 3
- 4
[Question] About datasets annotation tool
#18 opened by LangDaoAI - 6
some questiones on nuscene
#16 opened by promesse - 5
Correlation between frame_positions in global_pose and ego_orient in Comma log
#11 opened by didpurwanto - 0
genetic -> generic ?
#14 opened by apache2046 - 1
Openpilot-Deployment repo link is missed
#17 opened by LangDaoAI - 4
get_dataloader for nuscenes dataset
#9 opened by didpurwanto - 2
About model deployment
#8 opened by QSLee-Net - 1
Whether I need to add referring code to save optimizer's state so as to resume training correctly?
#7 opened by EliomEssaim - 2
About GRU training method.
#6 opened by EliomEssaim - 5
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About dataset processing
#2 opened by QSLee-Net - 1