- 5
- 3
- 0
- 2
No feedback from PR2 head trajectory controller
#384 opened by pidipidi - 0
Question on installing for ros kinectic
#382 opened by ashleylid - 0
- 1
- 1
JointPositionController and JointVelocityController misbehave when stopped and started
#374 opened by goretkin - 0
JointVelocityControllerNode no longer exists
#378 opened by goretkin - 11
Indigo release?
#373 opened by mikeferguson - 1
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- 0
Create in-source changelog
#368 opened by ahendrix - 1
Catkinize pr2_controllers
#365 opened by ahendrix - 0
- 1
Goals aren't cancelled when the trajectory controller is stopped/started (ros ticket #4429)
#334 opened by ahendrix - 0
Position drift when i_clamp>0 in robot_mechanism_controllers/JointPositionController (ros ticket #5205)
#363 opened by ahendrix - 0
Joint trajectory controller should display warning if the time stamp of the trajectory message has already passed and is not zero (ros ticket #5213)
#364 opened by ahendrix - 1
JTCartesianController: Incorrect nullspace projector computation. (ros ticket #5191)
#361 opened by ahendrix - 0
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- 0
proxy for Cartesian controller (ros ticket #5147)
#354 opened by ahendrix - 3
JTTeleopController crashes when given a gripper link as tip (ros ticket #5134)
#353 opened by ahendrix - 4
- 1
Re-tune gain to eliminate low level oscillation on Lsled motor (ros ticket #5091)
#351 opened by ahendrix - 4
Header has moved (ros ticket #4967)
#350 opened by ahendrix - 0
- 4
Base controller does not properly give feedback for all wheels (ros ticket #4948)
#348 opened by ahendrix - 2
move point head action definition into non-pr2 specific stack (ros ticket #4839)
#346 opened by ahendrix - 0
move control_toolbox package outside of pr2_controllers stack (ros ticket #4942)
#347 opened by ahendrix - 1
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- 1
Ethercat_trigger_controllers gets stuck in set_waveform callback (ros ticket #4751)
#343 opened by ahendrix - 15
- 1
Cherrypick calibration changes (and others) to trunk of pr2_controllers (ros ticket #4583)
#340 opened by ahendrix - 0
- 1
Need a way to recalibrate joints (ros ticket #4515)
#339 opened by ahendrix - 2
pr2 gripper_calibration_controller: adding a param for setting stopped velocity tolerance for simulation use (ros ticket #4510)
#338 opened by ahendrix - 0
- 5
Gripper parallel_root_joints are not calibrated during gripper calibration (ros ticket #4454)
#335 opened by ahendrix - 0
Calibration controllers should support both rising and falling fields (ros ticket #4481)
#336 opened by ahendrix - 3
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