
Worse results than the paper displayed

JunyuanDeng opened this issue · 4 comments

I'm running the kitti 00 sequence with python API, but I got the result below:

which is much worse than the paper displayed:


I got this result without editing the config file.

And I repeated it by changing the fill_holes to True, but the result did not change.

Why there are two different results?

For example, there are overlaps of cars and bumpy roads.

Hello @Rotatingpencil, that looks like pose estimation errors. Usually the so-called "ground truth" poses from KITTI are not enough. You can give it a try with these poses:

Just override the 00.txt on your filesystem. Please let me know if this helps with the problem

Now the result seems perfect!

How can I get the correct poses that you sent me, the poses I used before were downloaded from the official website, but it's wrong....

You can use any SLAM system, for example SuMa ;)