- 1
generate .param file
#104 opened by tiralonghipol - 1
Command "python egg_info" failed with error code 1 in /tmp/pip-build-QZIHw8/pyulog/
#103 opened by ybtg - 1
- 5
- 2
- 1
ubuntu18.04 how to use ulog2csv
#90 opened by barkkkk - 1
ulog2csv creating multiple files
#60 opened by CharlieRigel - 0
- 5
Shift GPS data to make log location anonymous
#33 opened by ryanjAA - 0
- 1
Description/Units of the various outputs
#72 opened by bradthelad1 - 2
- 1
- 8
not able to fin binary installed
#63 opened by RaffoBags - 9
- 1
Parameter change wrong timestamp
#58 opened by VinniF - 2
px4 replay request ulog_prams -d arguments
#53 opened by ShiauweiZhao - 3
- 12
Name mapping from sdlog2 format
#6 opened by jgoppert - 3
ulog_params doesn't show parameter values
#52 opened by George-avy - 1
- 7
Add data corruption handling
#40 opened by devbharat - 7
String decoding errors on python3
#38 opened by devbharat - 6
Logging messages with a 'Tag'
#39 opened by devbharat - 9
Conversion failed when I used ulog2kml
#28 opened by MyOnlyOnlySunshine - 3
- 0
Could it parse the initial senor data?
#35 opened by keguo1119 - 8
unable to load px4 logs
#34 opened by chataign - 1
pyulog not extractting vehicle_air_data
#30 opened by ambikaverma - 3
python test error
#27 opened by yukun2016 - 4
ulog2kml fails with missing module simplekml
#23 opened by hamishwillee - 3
- 3
ulog2kml not entered as entry point in
#21 opened by BinSquare - 1
CI broken after update
#15 opened by LorenzMeier - 4
Decode error on pyulog streamed over wifi
#10 opened by jgoppert