Failed to open the USB port!
Closed this issue · 4 comments
I am quite new to this and any help would be appre
When running the following command:
roslaunch hexapod_bringup hexapod_simple.launch
I come across the following issue.
Current: speed 0.5000006 turn 0.500000 | Awaiting command...
[ WARN] [1648892311.054960729]: Failed to open the USB port!, Ignore if using Rviz or Gazbebo
[ INFO] [1648892314.538492023]:
I am quite new to this and any help would be appre When running the following command:
roslaunch hexapod_bringup hexapod_simple.launch
I come across the following issue.
Current: speed 0.5000006 turn 0.500000 | Awaiting command... [ WARN] [1648892311.054960729]: Failed to open the USB port!, Ignore if using Rviz or Gazbebo [ INFO] [1648892314.538492023]:
Sorry for the inconvenience, this project is forked from, I edit some programs as per my requirement. I suggest you to use the original program. thank you 😉
If you still have questions, don't hesitate to ask
I am quite new to this and any help would be appre When running the following command:
roslaunch hexapod_bringup hexapod_simple.launch
I come across the following issue.
Current: speed 0.5000006 turn 0.500000 | Awaiting command... [ WARN] [1648892311.054960729]: Failed to open the USB port!, Ignore if using Rviz or Gazbebo [ INFO] [1648892314.538492023]:
BTW, The usb port is used for the dynamixel servo driver on the port ttyUSB that you can set on /src/hexapod_controller/include/servo_driver.h