decompose the convex polygon and for each of them, Boustrophedon planning? just complete coverage
- adrianpang
- BJ4K3Italy
- caimingxue
- candeeboy
- chuchurothKIT
- dahuacaihangzhou dianzi university
- Dangdang6
- DantesDawnUESTC
- eaa3Dyson Robotics Centre
- fennhelloworld
- Forichael
- ggokayboom
- GjacquenotNantes
- gkhanacerIstanbul, Turkey
- gksdbn
- greatwalletTsinghua
- hooramMunich, Germany
- Huaxu-Qiu
- iPhet
- jiejiezhangAutel Robotics
- lyffly0215
- mgou123
- MonicaArias
- Nanke2012
- orangetcy
- Poaos
- rechardchen123University College London (UCL)
- Ricky1647
- straybird-s
- swapneel001
- universeteng
- wenzhengchangChina
- wjjcdyshenzhen
- xbc18031419016
- yes-ai-do
- zhaozhi1995