Is it possible to replace the STM32F746ZGT6 (flash size 1MB) by the SMT32F746ZET6 (flash size 512KB) in the OpenCR board?
MinhTien opened this issue · 1 comments
MinhTien commented
H, I am Tien Nguyen.
Recently, the STM32F746ZGT6 mcu on my OpenCR board is damaged. Can I replace it by the STM32F746ZET6 (flash size 512kb)?
Thank you!
ROBOTIS-Will commented
Hi @MinhTien
The OpenCR is designed and programmed for a specific hardware.
It won't be a simple replacement, but you'll have to program the bootloader as well.
Please understand that we do not provide any technical support on a customization, therefore, modify the hardware at your own risk.