Connecting a Servo to the OpenCR

pitosalas opened this issue · 6 comments

Looking around the source code and googling around, it seems to be that the Turtlebot3 / OpenCR board is set up to accept a servo connector. I see there's a package called servo etc. My question is where on the OpenCR board should we attach the servo connector? THank you!

If it is meaning PWM servo, ROBOTIS e-manual has the Pin assign description.

I see. Can you say whether how to enable the topic via rosserial on the OpenCR or does that happen "automatically"?

This OpenCR ROS examples may help you to implement the publisher / subscriber for PWM motor control.
Similar sub/pubs are implemented in the TurtleBot3 ROS example.

I'm sorry about the delayed response.
ROS examples in OpenCR board manager have those pub/sub implmentations.
For example, the bumper status is published via "bumper" topic in the example below.

Similarly, the TurtleBot3 sensor state message is published in the below.

Thank you.