
Release into ROS 2?

clalancette opened this issue · 4 comments

@rjshim @routiful @robotpilot What do you think about releasing the ros2 branch into Dashing? It would make it a little easier to build some dynamixel stuff in ROS 2. Thanks!

Yes. We think so too. We are porting existing Dynamixel, TurtleBot3, OpenMANIPULATOR-X and PRO to support ROS 2. We will proceed sequentially. :) Thank you. 👍

Yes. We think so too. We are porting existing Dynamixel, TurtleBot3, OpenMANIPULATOR-X and PRO to support ROS 2. We will proceed sequentially. :) Thank you. +1

Great, thanks.

Any update on this? Can we release this into Rolling, Humble, Galactic, and Foxy now? Other packages downstream would like to depend on it.

Thanks for resolving the conflicts on my recent PRs!
I'll keep track on the rest of the release status.