SystemC-UVM generator for PyGears components.
SystemC Tested on version 2.3.3. You need to set SYSTEMC variable pointing to SystemC installation directory. And LD_LIBRARY_PATH pointing to $SYSTEMC/lib-linux64.
SystemC-UVM Using public review beta version UVM-SystemC Library 1.0-beta2. Export SYSTEMC_UVM variable to installed directory.
Verilator Verilator should be present in system path. Version 4.016 is recommended. (4.012 is not working**.
PyGears develop branch.
SystemC Verification for constraint randomization, export SCV variable to installed dir.
FC4SC Functional Coverage for SystemC from Amiq Consulting, export FC4SC variable to installed dir.
git clone
python develop
- cd into example/cordic
cd uvm
make test
gtkwave uvm/trace.vcd