
About ply file in PDC

Closed this issue · 2 comments

t0mo3 commented

Nice to meet you.

We are now interested in pytorch-dense-correspondence technology and try it out in our own developing environment.
However, rendering after 3D construction is not doing well and we have faced in a problem.
If possible, could you advise us on question below?

Question:Is it impossible to read the ply file that we created?
How can we solve this problem?
Symptom:”vtkArray = dataObj.GetPoints().GetData()” occurs in “”.
Cause:The header information of our ply file is different from the example.
How to create our ply file:refer to

➢example’s header

➢ our’s
format binary_little_endian 1.0
comment VCGLIB generated
element vertex 15716
property float x
property float y
property float z
property uchar red
property uchar green
property uchar blue
property uchar alpha
element face 31316
property list uchar int vertex_indices

➢ error log
/home/user/director/lib/python2.7/site-packages/vtk/util/ FutureWarning: Conversion of the second argument of issubdtype from complex to np.complexfloating is deprecated. In future, it will be treated as np.complex128 == np.dtype(complex).type.
assert not numpy.issubdtype(z.dtype, complex),
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "./modules/dense_correspondence_manipulation/scripts/", line 81, in
run(data_folder, config_file=args.config_file, debug=args.debug, globalsDict=globalsDict)
File "./modules/dense_correspondence_manipulation/scripts/", line 41, in run
File "/home/user/code/modules/dense_correspondence_manipulation/change_detection/", line 495, in from_data_folder
foreground_reconstruction = TSDFReconstruction.from_data_folder(data_folder, config=config)
File "/home/user/code/modules/dense_correspondence_manipulation/fusion/", line 352, in from_data_folder
File "/home/user/code/modules/dense_correspondence_manipulation/fusion/", line 288, in setup
File "/home/user/code/modules/dense_correspondence_manipulation/fusion/", line 294, in load_poly_data
File "/home/user/code/modules/dense_correspondence_manipulation/fusion/", line 234, in crop_poly_data
self.poly_data = director_utils.cropToBox(self.poly_data, transform, dimensions, data_type=self.poly_data_type)
File "/home/user/code/modules/dense_correspondence_manipulation/utils/", line 171, in cropToBox
polyData = cropToLineSegment(polyData, origin - cropAxis, origin + cropAxis)
File "/home/user/code/modules/dense_correspondence_manipulation/utils/", line 152, in cropToLineSegment
polyData = labelPointDistanceAlongAxis(polyData, axis, origin=point1, resultArrayName='dist_along_line')
File "/home/user/director/lib/python2.7/site-packages/director/", line 214, in labelPointDistanceAlongAxis
points = vtkNumpy.getNumpyFromVtk(polyData, 'Points')
File "/home/user/director/lib/python2.7/site-packages/director/", line 44, in getNumpyFromVtk
vtkArray = dataObj.GetPoints().GetData()
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'GetData'

I appreciate your kind response.

So our codebase uses VTK to read ply files. So it seems like there is some sort of incompatibility between the ply file you generated and the type that VTK can read. I have encountered such issues with PCL's ply writer. But in general this is a VTK compatibilty issue rather than something specific to our repo so I think that googling around the internet is your best bet.

Let us know what your solution ends up being. Usually it's just the header that is the problem and it's a simple fix.

t0mo3 commented

Thank you for your comment. I understand that there are some incompatibility between the file and VTK can read. Keep on figuring out. Thanks.