

AdamSanderson93 opened this issue · 3 comments

I was wondering about the license/usage requirements for this package.

From looking through the your public repos it appears that you tend to release with Apache 2.0 however I also found the same algorithm (or what I assume is the same) in the unity store for $20/seat (https://assetstore.unity.com/packages/tools/animation/bio-ik-67819). Does this license allow for use in ROS or is there a different license required?

Hi Adam,

of course, you don't need any Unity license for bio_ik in ROS. The ROS package is based on many of the ideas that are also implemented in the Unity asset, but both have evolved independently, and the original "bio_ik1" evolutionary algorithm is only a small part of the current bio_ik functionality.

Hello @normanhendrich,

I apologize for the delay in my response. So if we don't need a license from the Unity store what license is this distributed with? Is it GPL, MIT, etc? I just want to be sure I am checking all the boxes for use before implementation in the field.

Is commercial use permitted?

v4hn commented