FBX Exporter tools for editing and exchanging assets between the Unity and Digital Content Creation (DCC) tools such as Maya and 3DS Max
- 6r33z3
- AdamKaneForgeFX Simulations
- AndrewTHEManeri
- AstroiteTencent
- chenjdCompany-X
- craigs32
- dax0229Morph Interactive
- EndarrenOrion Communications
- enqui
- hacky97
- hasanbayatme@BayatGames
- JeetendrananiAndhra Pradesh, India
- karl-
- lantiszhucyou
- lucillecaillaud
- mariuzhttps://reea.net
- MeinerI
- mikegeig
- n-rafael
- PiotrMi
- Proc-64core
- seckincengizIndependent 🎉
- shelllee
- starikcetin@DeepSpaceInteractive
- suhyeokkimRepublic of Korea, South Korea
- terrehbyte@AcademyOfInteractiveEntertainment
- Therzok@Microsoft
- TriggerEdgeBit Edge Games
- unitycoderElomatic Oy
- VytekRome, Italy
- yangkangnevergiveupSiChuan.China
- yc2768
- yeataro遊樂製品 ChillProduction
- YinYuan1124
- YuPeng625
- zwcloudYichang