
3D mapping using Lidar TFmini. Softwares: matplotlib(python) / processing. Microprocessor: Wemos D1 mini / Atmega16 / Atmega32. Motors: stepper / servo. Motor driver: A4988.

Primary LanguageC++


  • Arduino

    • ATMEGA 16/32 codes used to run stepper.
    • Wemos codes to run stepper,servo,lidar,esp8266.
  • Datasheets

    • stepper motor driver - A4988.
    • Lidar tfmini.
    • stepper motor - nema 17 4.5kg torque.
    • wemos d1 mini esp8266.

    • final working code on wemos using 2 servo and lidar.
    • matplotlib python code to see plot after scan.
  • matplotlib

    • python code for plot after scan.
    • python code for live plotting.
    • python 3D plot test code.
  • media

    • photos of parts used in project.
  • Processing

  • Test results

    • images and videos of FINALE.