[CVPR 2024] DART: Implicit Doppler Tomography for Radar Novel View Synthesis
- aivx
- akarsh-prabhakara
- ArmorhtkChongqing China
- Avuerro
- busuidemengBeijing
- Ch3ngGuoHuazhong University of Science and Technology
- dawn537beijing
- dungloiZhejiang University
- eecdxu
- fly51flyPRIS
- Fromandto
- Harry-ZhiImperial College London
- huangjuiteCarnegie Mellon University
- huhuhuxiao
- jingyu-tongThe Hong Kong Polytechnic University
- junyang0412
- Kohaneee
- KokeCacaoCompany com = null;
- lcy0308
- learnerynwei
- lu-m13Intel Labs China
- moodokiSingapore
- mtang724University of Illinois Urbana Champaign
- NeSenCi
- perceptiveshawtyApplied Physics Lab, Johns Hopkins University
- Pyxel0524National University of Defense Technology
- RoboticsZhangZhejiang University
- SebastianHaug
- ShanQiong
- superboySBBeijing Institute of Technology
- thetianshuhuangCMU ECE
- v1otuscBaidu, Inc.
- YuJiXYZBeijing Institute of Technology
- zha0ming1e
- ZhenhuaDu11National University of Defense Technology
- ZHOUYI1023