
Using turtlebot3 and slam_toolbox to map an environment and navigate within the explored map

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Turtlebot3 Navigation and SLAM

Table of Contents


The goal is to use the turtlebot to map an environment and then navigate within the map using slam_toolbox.
The package contain 4 launchfiles and 1 node:

explore - A node that causes the robot to explore the environment autonomously while mapping the world.

start_slam.launch - Starts the turtlebot3 on gazebo (in the house environment), and drives the turtlebot3 using turtlebot3_teleop.py node throughout its workspace, while running slam_toolbox. After exploring the map, you can use the mapserver to save the map file.

nav_stack.launch - Uses amcl to localize your robot and the ROS navigation stack to allow the robot to move using the map created in the previous step.

slam_stack.launch - Runs all of the nav-stack.launch components, except instead of starting amcl and a pre-built map uses slam_toolbox to create the map while navigating.

explore.launch - Lets the robot use the explore.py node and slam_toolbox to autonomously map the environment.

Getting Started

Create a workspace, clone the repo, and build the workspace:

mkdir -p ws/src && cd ws/src
git clone https://github.com/YaelBenShalom/Turtlebot3-Navigation-with-SLAM.git
cd ../..
source devel/setup.bash 

Usage and Configuration Instructions

  1. To launch the start_slam.launch launchfile on Gazebo and Rviz simulation, run:
    roslaunch Turtlebot3-Navigation-with-SLAM start_slam.launch.

    • Explore the environment using the 2D pose estimation and 2D navigation goals in Rviz.
    • To save the explored map, run rosrun map_server map_saver -f maps/map from another terminal while the start_slam.launch launchfile is still running.
  2. To launch the nav_stack.launch launchfile on Gazebo and Rviz simulation, run:
    roslaunch Turtlebot3-Navigation-with-SLAM nav_stack.launch.

    • Move the robot by setting 2D navigation goals in Rviz.

  3. To launch the slam_stack.launch launchfile on Gazebo and Rviz simulation, run:
    roslaunch Turtlebot3-Navigation-with-SLAM slam_stack.launch.

    • Explore the space by setting 2D navigation goals manually in rviz.

  4. To launch the explore.launch launchfile on Gazebo and Rviz simulation, run:
    roslaunch Turtlebot3-Navigation-with-SLAM explore.launch.

    • Explore the space by randomly picking 2D navigation goals automatically in rviz.

    (This video speed is X10)

    • The generated map: