
build.sh Catkin_make Error

StudtTJX opened this issue · 2 comments

Hello~ I meet an error when catkin_make. May I ask if you have time to provide assistance?Thanks!

It seems that the Libigl libraries are not linked. What is your OS? Make sure you link the libraries in the lib folder. Alternatively, you can manually compile Libigl to create a static library and link it (https://libigl.github.io/static-library/). Note you will also need to add the "-fPIC" compile option in CMakeLists if you choose to create a static library.

It seems that the Libigl libraries are not linked. What is your OS? Make sure you link the libraries in the lib folder. Alternatively, you can manually compile Libigl to create a static library and link it (https://libigl.github.io/static-library/). Note you will also need to add the "-fPIC" compile option in CMakeLists if you choose to create a static library.

Thanks a lot! I've solved my issue.