
FR: Cromshell support for no-turtle mode

mbookman opened this issue · 3 comments

The Cromshell turtle is very cute, both turtle() and turtleDead().

However, the turtle does end up consuming valuable vertical real-estate on a user's screen. It would be nice to have a flag or environment variable to pass which suppresses the turtle.

Will put out the specific suggestion of a --compact-output flag. Other tools often have a --silent or --quiet option. For example gcloud has a --quiet option:

--quiet, -q

Disable all interactive prompts when running gcloud commands. If input is required, defaults will be used, or an error will be raised.

which is a little different. gsutil has


Causes gsutil to perform operations quietly, i.e., without reporting progress indicators of files being copied or removed, etc. > Errors are still reported. This option can be useful for running gsutil from a cron job that logs its output to a file, for which the only information desired in the log is failures.

which is also a little bit different.

gcloud also has the verbosity flag:

--verbosity=VERBOSITY; default="warning"

Override the default verbosity for this command. Overrides the default core/verbosity property value for this command invocation. VERBOSITY must be one of: debug, info, warning, error, critical, none.

which might be one to follow. Cromshell could have (at the moment):

--verbosity=VERBOSITY; default="normal"

Override the default verbosity for this command. Options are "normal, quiet, silent"

where "quiet" suppresses the turtles and silent suppresses anything non-essential.

I'm mostly interested in the "quiet" option; not sure if "silent" is really of value, so adding that could certainly be deferred.

I like the idea of a -q flag. This may already be implemented in cromshell 2.0 - I remember talking about it as a feature.

@bshifaw - is this part of the feature set?

yes, its implemented with --hide_logo

@bshifaw this can be closed, right?