- 9
crash: "The number of rows in 'eta' must be equal to the number of rows in 'counts'." when specifying a background argument
#361 opened by plijnzaad - 7
Installing on M1 Macbook fails
#395 opened by kotr98 - 1
Error: package or namespace load failed for ‘celda’ in loadNamespace(i, c(lib.loc, .libPaths()), versionCheck = vI[[i]]): there is no package called ‘GenomeInfoDbData’
#400 opened by zijunmeng - 1
- 1
- 1
High level of estimated contamination for same sample but different set of filtered cells
#384 opened by dlee598 - 1
Decontx: Heuristic clustering or z parameter? How are the cluster labels specified with the z parameter affecting the decontamination?
#376 opened by MartaSanchezCarbonell - 3
decontX not reproducible?
#377 opened by trnguyenuka - 2
decontX failure in all matrix types
#369 opened by CMSimpson8 - 1
using decontx with filtered or raw matrix?
#374 opened by dm8000 - 1
Getting percentages of contamination
#371 opened by sameehan2301 - 1
different genes
#370 opened by wbf520qcp - 7
plotDecontXMarkerPercentage omit celltype when it has two clusters concatenated
#323 opened by makloufg - 1
Using DecontX
#367 opened by barbarashih - 3
Error in fitTrendVar(fm, fv, ...)
#351 opened by ayeTown - 1
- 3
cells with 100% contamination?
#362 opened by plijnzaad - 1
decontX output not found
#360 opened by hsriniva1104 - 3
- 5
background argument is ignored
#355 opened by jdekanter - 2
Threshold to filter contaminated cells
#353 opened by supermegamio - 1
Error in ‘reducedDim’ for UMAP
#349 opened by karlaarz - 3
"Unused argument background" error
#346 opened by sjfleming - 1
use of decontXcounts in subseq
#344 opened by Sa753 - 1
- 3
Error while using 'recursiveSplitModule'
#331 opened by linxy29 - 5
Sequencing depth corrected counts
#319 opened by faraz89 - 0
Deprecate the use of plotHeatmap
#325 opened by zhewa - 19
Problem Running decontX with z argument
#320 opened by astarr97 - 1
Plot perplexity labels
#322 opened by joshua-d-campbell - 1
Round or integer?
#318 opened by faraz89 - 5
error while using decontX on seurat data (count object)
#316 opened by mbourgey - 2
plotDimReduceCluster error
#308 opened by ltosti - 1
colnames/rownames of counts
#233 opened by joshua-d-campbell - 2
- 3
building the vignettes during installation fails
#297 opened by vertesy - 3
NAs produced by integer overflow
#287 opened by ncasiraghi - 0
- 2
DecontX unused argument error
#296 opened by supfastjf - 4
- 6
DecontX before or after integrating datasets?
#273 opened by hummuscience - 4
Cannot run decontX on SCE dataset.
#268 opened by piyushjo15 - 2
- 1
remove 0 transcript genes for decontx
#262 opened by Irisapo - 2
Does decontX() gives out a correct count matrix?
#269 opened by piyushjo15 - 1
DecontX adding counts?
#254 opened by juliaszusz - 2
dependency on BiocNeighbors?
#261 opened by Irisapo - 0
celda package version need to be corrected
#232 opened by Irisapo - 0
Need to bump BiocManager version
#225 opened by Irisapo - 0